Chapter 10

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"I dare you and y/n to kiss!" Bryce read.

You both looked at each other.

"Um, ok, let's do this!" You said.

You and Bryce leaned in and your lips connect. They move in sync as you and Bryce make out passionately for 5 minutes. You forget all about Mark. You pull back.

"Um, Bryce, the camera!" You say, pointing to it.

"I'll cut it out, don't worry." Bryce says with a wink.

After doing the rest of the dares, you help Bryce edit the video. You and him cut out the 5 minute make out session you guys had, but leave the beginning as the thumbnail. Before you leave, you upload the video.

You are home from Bryce's house. You go to the kitchen table to see a note from your mom


I got called in for work, I'll be back later in the night. See you in the morning!

Love you!

You put the note in your pocket and go into the living room. You turn on the tv and go on your phone. Your Instagram is blowing up because of the video you and Bryce made. You read them. "They obviously kissed!" "Does Mark know about this?" "Why'd you cut out the kiss!?" "Did they actually kiss?"

You get off Instagram and go to your messages. You see that Mark texted you an hour ago.

Mark: We need to talk, meet at my place around 10?

You: Sounds good, see you soon

You immediately get nervous. You look at the clock and see that it is 9:45. You quickly charge your phone and put on a little bit of makeup. By the time you are done, it's 9:55. You ride your bike to Mark's house, since it was only a couple of blocks away. Instead of knocking, you text him.

You: I'm at the front door

Mark: Go around and meet me in the backyard.

You: Okay

You walk to the backyard and wait for Mark. As soon as he goes to you, you see he looks upset, which makes you nervous.

"You kissed Bryce, didn't you?" He asks, with a slightly angry voice.

You were silent.

"I-I'm sorry Mark, it was a dare! We had to!" You replied.

"If it was just a dare, it would've been a quick kiss, you guys cut out the kissing part. I wonder why." Mark says, you hear more anger in his voice.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to happen!" You say, you feel a lump building up in your throat.

"You know what? If you didn't mean it, you would've told me about it! Like you did the first time! I'm sorry to say this, y/n, but, I'm breaking up with you!" Mark says.

Hearing these words make you cry. You bury your face in your hands. You run to your bike and quickly ride home, blinking occasionally to get the tears away from your eyes. You get home and run into your room. You lay face down in your bed and cry.


Hey guys! Merry Christmas! I hope you guys had a wonderful holiday and got eve you wanted! Love you guys and bye!💕

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