Chapter 21

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February 1st, 12 days till MagCon

Each and everyday is now getting more and more anticipating. You still can't believe it. Mark is taking you to MagCon to see Jacob, Cameron, Carter, Aaron, and everyone else who you watch on Vine and YouTube.

But what are you going to do when you see Jacob? What is he going to say? Does he still like you? And if he does, how will Mark react? There is only one way to find out.

You have to wait till you and Mark see Jacob again, but this time, at MagCon.

Mark's POV

I know that taking y/n to see Jacob and the others will make her happy, but what am I going to do when I see Jacob again? And is he going to act like everything's ok? Because it's not. It's not ok at all. So I bet most of you are a little confused on what happened to what the fans called "Macob", so I'm going to tell you what happened. Here we go:

Flashback, three months ago

I was texting Jacob and seeing when we could hang out again
(😛=Mark and 🐢=Jacob)

😛: Hey Jacob! I haven't seen you in a while, think we could meet up soon?

🐢: Um sure, I guess so but we have to make it quick. I have to pack and stuff

😛: Pack? For what?

🐢: Well, I was invited to join MagCon!

😛: Oh dude that's so cool! But will we still be able to talk?

🐢: that's the thing, imma be a little busy w Cam and all the other boys sooo

😛: so you're not going to talk to me?

🐢: basically

😛: okay then. I'll ttyl✌🏽️

Still Part Of Marks Flashback

Me and Jacob never ended up hanging out that day, and we never hung out after that, either. He was now a part of MagCon, and he hadn't even attempted to call me at all.

Later that day I broadcasted on YouNow and so many people were asking me prank call Jacob or to guest Jacob or to just do anything involving Jacob. I just lost it. I told the viewers what happened. By the end of it, I was in tears. I sat in front of all my fans, crying. I remember telling myself that I was such an idiot. That now the fans would think I'm sensitive and that haters would think I'm gay for crying over Jacob. But what was I supposed to do? Jacob was my best friend!

End of flashback

~Skip to February 12th~


Only one more day till you see Jacob! You were so excited yet nervous at the same time. But besides the fact that you were meeting Jacob, YOU WERE MEETING FREAKING CAMERON DALLAS. You've had a crush on him since forever and have always wanted to meet him.

You were also really excited to see all the other boys, and Daniel Skye! "Man can that kid sing!" you thought to yourself. You really liked Daniel Skye's singing and had most of his songs downloaded on your phone.

Mark told you that both of you would be attending both of the MagCon's in Philadelphia. That meant that you had to stay in a hotel over night. It also meant you were going to spend Valentine's Day meeting Jacob and the rest of the new MagCon crew again. Thinking of Valentine's Day made you get an idea. You texted Mark.

You: Babe, do you think Jacob would want to go out to dinner or something after the second MagCon event on Valentine's Day?

Babe😘: Um well we would have to ask him but I don't think I'd be a problem.

You: okay cool. I'm so excited!

Babe😘: Me too! Well I gtg I'll ttyl bye beautiful!😚❤️

You: Bye babe🙈😘

And with that you decided to pack your outfit for MagCon. Since you only needed pajamas, a shirt, pants, shoes, and your bra and underwear packing was pretty quick. It was getting pretty late so you decided to go to bed.

As you slept, you dreamt of meeting Jacob at MagCon.


"JACOB!" you screamed as you ran and hugged Jacob.

You probably sounded and looked like a pretty big fangirl, but you were really his friend.

He didn't seem to remember you at first, and you noticed that.

"Jacob, it's me, y/n, remember? We used to talk almost everyday?" you told him, trying to remind him.

"Y/N? Is it really you?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, it's me, long time no see!" you said.

"I've missed you so much!" Jacob said.

"I've missed yo-" before you could finish your sentence Jacob smashed his lips into yours, and you didn't push away.

After what seemed like forever you and Jacob finally pulled away. The fans, along with the rest of the guys were clapping, and they were actually happy.

"I love you, y/n." Jacob said.

"I love you too Jacob" was the last thing you said before the dream ended.

End of Dream

"So, you love Jacob?" Mark asked sadly before exiting your room and shutting the door.


856 words
Hi guys! I got Jacob up in here and everything's going to be lit! Well actually not really but you'll have to wait and see what happens. Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter. I love you guys and bye💕

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