Chapter 5 - Savior in disguise

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We were just lying on the concrete pavement, with me on his chest and his back against the ground. He took the crash, shit he must have hurt or scratched his back pretty bad.

I got really concerned about him and tried to move but he held me in his death grip. We were just staring into each other's eyes. There weren't any passersby because it was really dark but several cars passed by.

A loud honk broke the stare contest and he carefully pulled me up against him, still holding me tight as if I would fall and hurt myself. He was right though. If it weren't for him, my knees would have surely buckled by now.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded because I couldn't find my voice.

"I saw you from across the street, crossing the road looking down. You know how dangerous that is?" I nodded yet again; feeling how foolish he would think I am.

"Are you hurt? Hey, look at me, its ok." My savior spoke with such a soothing voice that my nerves immediately calmed down and I looked up, leaving the hem of my dress I was playing with, nervously.

It was pretty dark despite the street lamp about a foot from us. But I could manage a good look at his face.

Really dark brown almost blackish colored messed up hair settled on his head. He had the perfect jaw line with a very light growing beard. Lips perfect and sumptuous, high cheek bones, straight nose and a few strands of his hair were coming in his eye. chocolatey brown eyes with that fire like glint.

"Its ok. Nothing happened. You are safe now" I nodded yet again and looked down at my feet sheepishly. For some reason I wasnt even trying to get him to loose his grip on me.

Probably because I was still not myself and lost. He released me and took my hand in his giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Where were you heading?, I pointed my finger to the club and he started walking me across the street in the direction of the club, holding me tight against his side.

I stepped into the club and was swarmed by my friends asking about random questions and telling me how worried they were looking for me. "I am alright just got caught looking at dresses in the boutique next door."

"You could have taken one of us along" "we got so worried" "we thought random shit happenned to you" "who was that?"

All of them spoke at once. "yeah I am sorry. I am ok. He was... where did he go?" I looked around but the person who unfortunately saved my life had vanished into thin air 'poof'.


"You" I breathed out loud. "You", he spoke with a confused-knowing face. He helped me stand and released me, his arms lingering for a while around my waist.

"Are we gonna meet like this everytime?" he spoke shaking his head, smiling. Wow, his smile. I slapped myself. Shit, did i just do that?

"What did you do that for?" he asked amusingly. "Fly umm there was a fly", why am I not being my confidence self right now? Weird.

"I better go. Thanks. Umm Again!"

"No problem" he waved and left. He walked away with confidence radiating from his body.

I shook my head at myself, wore my Ray Bans and then walked out of the building into my car.

The driver drove peacefully and took me back to the HQ.


I was seated in my comfy chair, leaning back against the chair, looking at the city skyline from my huge window. I was confused. I had random questions in my mind. Who was he? And why is he in Sau Paulo? Why am i thinking about this shit?

"Ok enough. I should get back to work. Back to being the CEO I am" I spoke out loud to myself to gather my thoughts and focus on the task at hand. I pressed a button and summonned Julia in. "Let's go for that surprise inspection. Anything new I should be informed about, Julia?" my authoritive voice was back and i patted my back in my mind.

"No, ma'am. Your team and car is waiting for you. Will that be all?"

"Yes, i m going down now, bring your ipad along so you can take notes and pictures there." I spoke while putting my blackberry in my purse and getting up from my desk.

Julia was always a little intimidated by me but never has she let me down since day 1. I was able to trust her a little I guess.

In my torturous time where I staggerred with Jared's business and my clumsy, lost and crushed self, I had realised that the world is not a pretty place. You can't trust anyone. No one does anything good for just the sake of it, they would always want something in return.

My first few months had been terrible in the business, i didn't know what to do, how to do; thankfully I got the hang of it in a while. Well, there was Jared's dad who made me take crash marketing/business courses that did good to me.

We went for our suprise inspection. Well, they were super suprised because the minute some guard saw us coming, he notified the workers and officials. And when we entered, I could see many people running around making sure everything was in place. I was giving the manager a very serious face but with an evil smirk. Julia and my team gathered alot of evidence against the management and workers and without even giving them a chance to explain themselves, I fired the manager, the supervisor and a couple of other people. It was a pharmaceutical factory for God's sake. A little error in producing the drugs or being irresponsible in the hygiene regulations could KILL people. But clearly people these days don't give a shit about others.

The team went back and started running notices for vacancies and I headed back home.

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