Chapter 10 - Second Date - Not!

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My face felt warm. I opened my eyes sleepily and got blinded for a few seconds. The sun was streaming in from my window. I am at my home? Last thing I remember was having fun and drinking with Nate at the ball. Shit!

I smiled thinking about Nate. He really was fun and I felt happy after a really long time. Ohhwww... My head is killing me. It feels like a truck hit me in the head, reversed and hit me there a couple of times more. I propped myself up on my elbows and instantly my stomach churned on its own accord and I ran towards my én suite bathroom like my ass was on fire. Well, it wasn't on fire but it felt like on the same scale.

I puked in the toilet bowl, on the floor and got some on the toilet seat as well.

I groaned loudly once I got finished; grabbed the hem of dress and got up to the sink. I washed my hands and brushed my teeth with a huge glop of my minty toothpaste onto my toothbrush to get rid of the sour-bitter taste in my mouth. Once done I looked myself in the mirror.

Holy shit! I look wasted. A short laugh escaped my mouth at the sight of my messed up and disheveled reflection. Smudges of mascara, smears of the left over make-up, unruly hair, creased and dirty ball-gown, bloodshot eyes; I officially qualify to be one of the zombies at the apocalypse. Ouch, even laughing aggravates the headache!

I disposed off my dress and hopped in a hot shower. I entered my room with a towel wrapped around my body and my eye caught something at my bedside table. Good Lord, that's just what I needed! I gulped down two Advil and noticed a white card placed next to it. Hm... I don't remember keeping any document here.

I turned the card over to find a note written in neat, cursive handwriting:


Good Morning, beautiful!  

Rise and shine! 

I wish you a very happy hangover; try not to spoil your dress, you looked amazing in that last night! 

Let me refresh your memory, we won the partner thing at the ball so we get to spend the day at the Burns Facility!  

Chop chop! Get up and be there at the same hotel by 10! 

Looking forward to meeting you again!

Confession: I haven't been this happy in a very long time! Thank you!



"AAAAHHHHHHHH...'' I screamed. "I am gonna kill him!" How did he even get in here? That creepy handsome bastard! I am so gonna kill him today.

"Ma'am, is everything ok?" Mrs. Peters, my housekeeper came rushing in my room, breathless.

"Yes, I am sorry Martha! Just some idiot is getting on my nerves!" I relaxed.

"Alright, dear. Julia called earlier this morning informing about your visit to the burns charitable centre and that your appointments have been shifted accordingly. And yes, your breakfast is ready." She spoke with a genuine smile.

I really like Martha. She takes care of me like a mother. She has been with me ever since I moved here; bearing with my mood swings, arrogance, stressful nights and depressed days.

"I'll just be downstairs and then I'll get ready to leave. Thank you and sorry for scaring you." I wore a robe and went downstairs. Had my breakfast and rushed to my closet. Why was I rushing again?

Ok so what do I wear? "Nope, not you, nah... Yes that would do." After rummaging through the clothes, I took out a cream colored floral sundress with a cute pink belt at the waist. It had a somewhat low neckline but not too much and came mid-thigh. I matched it with a pair of matching pink heels and did some natural looking make up, tied my hair up in a ponytail, got a matching clutch to go with it, placing a large sum of cash and my cheque book in it.

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