Chapter 2 - The Departure

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"Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I looked around through my blurry vision. We were the only ones at the centre of the dance floor. My husband's head was in my lap as I sat in my once beautiful white gown on the floor, helpless and miserable. People were standing all around in a circle gaping at me. Shocked with their mouths hung open!

"What is wrong with you all? Call the ambulance you idiots!"

All the constant yelling caused my throat to parch and my voice was coming out in cracks.


"Oh thank God!"

"Ma'am you got to move. We need to take a look", I nodded frantically and let the well equipped men look at my husband. Why are they so slow? Just wake him up already. What? Why are they giving each other puzzled looks?

"Well?? Pick him up we need to take him to the hospital! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" I yelled at the uniformed men; despite theripping chest ache and my frantic breathing I forced myself to think CLEAR and focus. It's Jared. I need to help him. I'm his wife. I vowed before God a while ago that I'll be with him in sickness and in health. I need to gather my wits if I am to do so!

The paramedics placed Jared on the stretcher and hastily placed him in the ambulance. I followed  making sure I stayed with him all along. I blocked out all what they were saying, "Ma'am please come out. You can't travel with him!"

"Sweetie, it's going to be ok. Come with us in our car to the hospital". I just kept looking at Jared's face and held his hand tight, just leaving enough space for the paramedics to help him. The woman kept checking for his pulse and breathing while putting pressure onto the wound.

"Please help him. Just keep trying..." I astonishingly formed some coherent words, but my voice was so low she barely could have heard. She nodded giving me a reassuring smile and kept on trying.

The ambulance arrived at the nearest hospital after what felt like a millennium of travelling. Jared was quickly pulled out and taken to the Operation Theatre. The doctor in charge I presume was shouting at his staff to get IVs, blood for transfusion and to prep Jared up for surgery. I sighed and collapsed beside the door of the O.T, making sure I caused no hindrance to the doctors helping my husband.

I can't lose my sense. I can't let my emotions overcome me and make me snap like an idiotic or an uneducated girl. Who am I kidding? I managed to keep the inner me tied up in reins who was struggling to rip apart the whole world. Jared. My Jared! My husband! Lying cold in blood on a table in this God forsaken O.T!

The love of my life was in there and I was begging my inner self to keep calm, to stay in its reigns. It's going to be ok. I know. Everything's going to be back to normal. It happens all the times in movies, people get shot, doctors remove the bullet and they are good to go.

My cheeks were soaked in my tears. I rubbed my cheek with the back of my hand, sobbing uncontrollably. My knuckles were black from the smudged mascara. I should have known! These stupid celeb makeup stylists are just freaking' money 'sucking' machines. When we leave for our honeymoon 2 days later, I will ask Jared to do my makeup.

I smile at the memory of one of our dates when he offered to do my makeup and I laughed until my stomach hurt. He did get his wish though. And all he did was put some lip gloss and a fine blue eye liner matching with my eye color.

"There, your highness! My work here is complete!" Jared spoke, bowing gracefully at ease despite his muscular torso and heart clenching perfect abs! I patted on his shoulder and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Jared, what is this baby? Where's the make up? It's just lipgloss and I can barely make out the eye liner you took half an hour to put on!" I frowned.

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