Chapter 6 - Cold

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Like every other Monday, I made a stop at the church. I went up and lit a candle, got down to my knees and prayed silently to God to take care of Jared and to keep his soul peacefully in Heaven.

I rose up and sat the grand piano.

The church was magnificient but at the far side of town so it was mainly deserted, which is why i loved being here. To myself; in peace.

I lifted the lid which was very dusty and stroked the keys of the piano with my fingers. I didn't really know how to play it but whenever i came i would just randomly press key after key trying to make a tune. But i failed yet again.

I sighed loudly, "I wish I could play you, you don't deserve to be left unattended covered in dust like this." I covered back the lid and smiled sadly.

"You aren't that bad, a little push and technique and you'll be playing beautifully without even thinking over it"

I jumped at the sound of a familiar manly husky voice. My heart was crashing against my chest. Nobody comes here. What's he doing here? Is he following me? Is he here to kill me? Oh I wish he would!

"Hi" my savior spoke. "Hey" I replied with a confused look plastered over my face.

"I am Nate by the way. And you are?" he asked raising his large beautiful hand for me to shake."


I picked up my purse and began to leave but he came and stood infront of me.

"It's really hot today, wanna grab some ice cream with me? My treat!"

I shook my head and replied, "No sorry I have to go now."

"How about some other time, Samantha?"

"I don't think so", I started fidgetting. Super awkward. I should just walk away NOW!

Suddenly he grabbed my elbow and squeezed a little to make me look up.

"You got three seconds to remove your hand or you'll see it lying lifeless under your feet." I spoke with such bitterness and badass body language that even i was amazed i had it in me.

"Samantha, i just..."


"Woah woah woah you aren't serious..."


"Come on, woman"

"And o..." and before i could complete saying 'one' he released my elbow, backed off a good 5 feet with his hands up in a surrendering gesture.

"Samantha, easy! I meant no harm I swear, it was just a friendly gesture!" He tried explaining but i turend on my heels and walked off to my car with an unusual triumphant smile on my face.

Badass huh? I liked it! I have NEVER threatenned someone like this. I mean a little scolding and stuff at work yes but never like a harming-kinda-way-threatenning.

It brought back memories of my childhood when my neighbour friend and I used to play detectives, cops and stuff. We used to watch atleast one episode of the current Detective/investigations tv show or a good spying/agent kinda movie. We even used to dress up making fake badges with chart papers and mom's old bangles tied together as cuffs.

It was fun. Whether it's a good childhood or a bad one, you always feel like you were free to fly then (to some extent). No worries no responsibilties whatsoever.

After about 20mins of a peaceful ride, the driver dropped me off at the driveway of the residential building and I proceeded to the elevators which would take me to my penthouse apartment.

It was big, but not huge. Was finely decorated and furnished, but not very pompous.

I had this one room which I named it as 'the treasure room'. It had my most precious treasure - my memories.

I had kept safe everything from the day I realised I was living and it's not some magical land where you can eat, drink, sleep, cry, play, pee and poop all you want.

There was alot of stuff that were memories of Jared and I together like the wicked boat we made out of scratch when we had a field visit for our 'Botany' assignment

And a couple of unused hello kitty bandaids I put on his knee and all his boys teased him to death.

He was my senior at high school but was reappearing in a couple of subjects to get his grades up to A*s instead of As.

The stupid hunk was a nerd but one look at him and you'll get this expression of a typical dumb jock!

Ah good times!!!

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