Chapter 9 - Glimpse of the Past

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 Nate's POV

What just happened?

"Whaa...", my whining made the couples turn my way. I mumbled a sorry and made my way in her direction.

One minute she's kissing me passionately and the very next minute she shoves me and runs away. No girl has insulted me this way in front of a huge audience. She's going to pay for this!

Nah, she deserves better.

As I make my way out of the hall, I start looking for her everywhere, the girls’ bathroom, the dining area, corridors and every other place I could think of. As I proceed towards the garden, I hear someone's painful crying. I walk in the direction of the sound - my sharp hearing capabilities at work.

I see a huge tree far off under which I can make out a small figure seated on a bench, in the dark. I approach the tree and the sight freezes me. It reaches out to somewhere deep in my heart and pulls my useless self to the beautiful girl sitting here crying her heart out. I took my time to look at her, to try to understand the reason for those eye bags I saw at the hospital, the reason for her lost self that day in Yorkshire, the reason she cringed when I touched her, the reason her eyes are always mournful, the reason she ran away after such a passionate kiss we shared.

She was hugging her knees and was holding her dress so tightly in her fists that the delicate lace would rip any minute. Her hair was now almost open, flowing with the wind. She didn't look up, must have not realized that I have been standing, admiring her for quite some time now.

I can't get too attached with her. She’ll be a liability.

But I can't leave her like this, drunk and crying.

Do you want to be responsible for the misery of another living soul?

She needs me right now. F*** you, selfish conscience!

I took a deep breath. I can do this. I did the unthinkable and sat next to her on the bench, pulled her against me and wrapped my arms around her, pressing her in.

 "Shh... you're ok", I was cooing to her and the unbelievable happened. Sammy wrapped her arms around my neck and sat on my lap straddling me. She buried her face into my chest and kept on crying. Her grip was really tight. The girl's got an arm! She never fails to amaze me.

 Though I haven't known her a long time but this girl just fits into me like no one in this world can. Her laugh is the most mesmerizing thing I have ever witnessed. And I WANT to know her.

May be she'll be the one who saves me and fills that gap in my life I have never considered filling because of my other job.

 "Why are you crying, Sammy?" I kept on stroking her long hair and her back.

"'Cuz I did something wroonngg..." she slurred.

"You did nothing baby. We just kissed. Adults do that when they find each other charming. No need to cry", it was like trying to talk to a baby. Any other moment, I would have laughed like crazy and tease Samantha about it.

"Bad. Bad. Bad girl, Sammy! I should not kiss yoouu... You are not Jared." She's drunk. Woah, who's Jared?

"Who's Jared, sweetie and where is he?" please don't tell me she has a boyfriend or a lover and he beats and harasses her, typical clichéd history. I want her to be mine. Not some Jared's. I'll make her mine. And I’ll teach this Jared, get him off the face if the earth for doing this to Samantha.

 "He was my husband and he's..." Oh shit. She's married? She is barely 23.

"Where is he, Sammy? I can go get him for you if you want me to."

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