Part One (Cafe)

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"Thank you, have a nice day." I smile and give the customer his change and lock up. I work at a cafe in my town and it's an okay job. I love what I do, it gets to the point where the customers can be completely rude but it comes with the job. I walk to my house, I have a car but it's in the shop cause it needed work done on it. As I'm walking, my phone rings.

"Hello." I answer.

"Hey." A voice on the other line says back to me. "It's me, josh."

I stop walking and continue talking. "Why're you calling me, you aren't supposed to contact me in any way, please forget my number and never call me again." I say angrily hanging up the phone. Josh was my ex, he was very abusive and eventually he started stalking me, it got so bad to the point where I couldn't leave my house without being afraid. I got a restraining order against him and he went to jail and that's where he is gonna stay.

I continue walking and reach my house. I go inside and kick off my shoes, thank god I didn't have to work tomorrow or I would seriously have to sit down since my feet hurt so bad. I check the answering machine and notice I have 4 missed calls. One was from my best friend charlotte, the other from my mom, and two from josh. I delete Josh's messages and fix dinner. I lived by myself so I didn't have to cook for anyone but myself.

I watch some tv, shower and then head to bed. Even though I didn't have too work tomorrow I wanted to get as much rest as possible. As I began to close my eyes the phone rings. I groan and answer. As soon as I pick up the receiver I hear Josh's voice on the other line.

"Don't ever hang up on me again, when I call you answer, stop ignoring me cause I know everything you do."Guess what, I'm leaving tomorrow, that's right I'm coming to find you so run." He says in the most serious tone.

"Leave Me Alone." I yell through the phone. I hang up and start crying, what did I ever do to deserve something like this. I eventually fall asleep.

(The Next Morning.)

I shower and fix breakfast. My best friend Charlotte was coming over cause she said she wanted to do some things together. I call my mom and let her know what happened, she assures me everything will be alright but I knew it wasn't.

"Hey, did you not get my text." Charlotte says walking in. "Mom, I'll call you back later."

"No."Sorry my phone was off and I was sleeping." I say eating a piece of bacon.

"It's okay." She says stealing a piece of bacon.

"Hey." I yell. She laughs and I shake my head. "What am I gonna do with you." I say laughing.

"Nothing, because you wouldn't survive without me." She says.

"Oh, by the way what're you doing tonight.? She asks.

"Nothing, why." I say walking towards the fridge and getting some juice."

"Well, there's a wwe show going on tonight, and I want you to come with me. She says.

"Okay." I say shrugging.

"Thank you so much." She says hugging me.

I laugh. "Why're you so excited about that.? I ask. She smirks and I raise my eyebrows.

"I'll never tell." She says giggling.

Little did I know I would meet the man who changed my life.

To Be Continued.

So what did you guys think. And by the way I'm Kiara I decided to use myself cause I couldn't think of anyone else lol. But Charlotte is my best friend from high school so I used her in this as well. Okay, That's all. Just wanted to put that out there. Lol 😊😊😊😊

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