Part 16

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Roman's POV

I loved teasing Kiara, it was funny seeing her reaction. My phone rings and it was dean wanting to know where I was. I explained that I was with Kiara but he wanted me to leave and come see him at the bar. I rarely drank only when I was hanging out with the boys. I glance over at Kiara sleeping next to me, god I didn't deserve her she was everything to me and I never wanted to ruin what we had. I was gonna propose to her but it was a secret, the only ones that knew was dean and Seth and a few others. They all loved Kiara so much and we were all like family and If anyone was gonna know it was them. I kiss her on the forehead and head out too meet dean.

"Okay, I had to leave my girlfriend to come down here to see you so it better be important." I say glaring at dean angry that I had to leave Kiara for this. Dean was rambling about something but my mind was elsewhere. I listen to him for a while and as I glance over there is my ex sitting in the booth staring at me, what did she want. I get up and go to the bathroom, I throw water on my face. The door opens and I couldn't see who it was but the next thing I knew they were all over me feeling me in places that they shouldn't have touched and then I heard her voice "Roman, I want you so bad." She says trying too unzip my pants.

I push her off of me. "Maxie, what the hell is your problem." I say she was completely drunk off her ass and I could have cared less she always drank and tried to make it seem like she was innocent in the things she did. She was a different person when she drank and I wasn't gonna be around that. I had a show tomorrow night and I couldn't deal with Maxie right now. Dean convinced me to take her back to the hotel room. He was crazy if he thought I was gonna do that.

Kiara would find out and she's already told me if I cheat again she's leaving me for good and I couldn't bare that. So I took dean's advice and and took Maxie back to the hotel room but not mine I paid for her a room that night. So she could be far away from me as possible. Kiara was asleep in the next room and I didn't want to wake her up. I ease into the room trying not too make too much noise she was sleeping and looked so peaceful. I kissed her forehead and she stirs a little and continues to sleep.

I lean over and give her a lingering kiss. She was my heart and I wasn't gonna make the same mistake I made before. I shower and climb into bed with Kiara, she cuddles up next to me and I hold her close. I was really lucky to have her and I screwed up once I wasn't about to let it happen again. My phone buzzed and I sighed it was late who would be calling me.

"Hello." I say groggily. "Roman, please come quick I need your help." The voice was familiar it was Maxie's voice. "What's wrong, where are you? I ask. "I-I need you to hurry." She says I could hear the panic in her voice. I really didn't want to leave but I wanted to make sure Maxie was okay. "Just stay where you are, I'm on my way text me the address." I say quickly hanging up.

I ease out of bed and slip on my clothes. I really didn't want to leave Kiara but if Maxie was hurt or in danger then I wanted to help. I drive to her house which I was surprised she took a cab home after being drunk out of her mind, I knock on the door to make sure no one else is there and Maxie opens the door surprisingly okay.

She pulls me inside by my shirt and proceeds to try to come on to me. It was a trick. I push her off of me but that made her even angry. She started to kiss me then proceeds to take off her clothes, I try to get out of her house but I couldn't she wouldn't let me leave. I wasn't gonna do this I promised myself that I wasn't gonna cheat on Kiara again. She forces herself on me and I try to stop her again but I can't. She takes off my pants and I already know where this is going.

But I couldn't do anything so I just give her what she wants and it hurt me so bad cause I knew that at this point I was gonna lose the best thing that's ever happened to me but I was too stupid and naive to stop myself. Just then my phone rang. "Stop." I yell as I pick up out of breath. Baby, where are you? It was Kiara. Damn. I must've accidentally woke her up. She still sounded sleepy. "H-Hey baby, yeah I'm just at, I'm at dean's hotel." I hated lying but I had too. "Well, okay but could you hurry and come back, please." God. Why did I do this. "Yeah, I'll be back as soon as I can, I love you okay baby." I say. "I love you too." She says groggily.

Roman's POV (continued)

The next day was hell on wheels. Kiara had too leave again and I didn't want her too. I showered and headed too dean's room so we could go to the bus. I kept thinking about everything that happened that night I went to Maxie's room. We slept together and there was nothing I could do too change that. I arrive back at the hotel and kiara was already gone, damn I missed her. I noticed a note on the table beside the bed and walked over to it. It was from kiara, I smiled while reading it, little did she know I planned on proposing to her and I knew just the right time to do it.

Dean and Seth went with me to pick out the ring, I was nervous not gonna lie I mean this is forever right? I found the perfect ring for her and I knew she would love it, it was beautiful just like her. Now I just had to figure it when I was gonna do it .

To Be Continued 💁🏽‍♀️

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