Part thirteen (Hospital Stay)

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(Warning) Roman In this chapter had me in tears. So you've been warned. If he makes you cry then don't say I didn't warn you. Just saying.

Roman's POV

Roman-I've called you 3 times already, please answer me, baby I'm sorry. I just want to go back to the way we were. I miss your lips on mine, your smile and your laugh. I miss your voice, I just ugh I miss everything. I'm gonna come visit you and we're gonna get through this because you're my world. I love you. 😭

That's the last text I sent before shutting my phone off and burying my head in my hands. She still hadn't forgiven me and I didn't deserve to be forgiven, I hurt her and I let her walk away from me. Why didn't I stop her.

I was gonna go see her and make things right. She would probably be at the cafe so I would start there first. My phone rang and I saw charlotte's number pop up. "Hello." I say. "Roman, you need to come here now, josh is here he is acting irrationally, and he is trying to hurt Kiara, he has a knife." You have to come help her." She says frantically. "I'll be there as soon as I can." I say.

Shit. I had to get to her before he hurt her. We were in her hometown and I rushed to her house. I bang on the door but I don't get an answer. No, come on. Answer.

I peek in the window and I don't see anyone. I call Charlotte and she brings her spare key and unlocks the door. I go inside to pure horror, josh was there with a knife to her throat. "Don't come any closer." He says. I stay where I am. "Don't hurt her." I say to him. "She ruined my life, I went to jail because of her and now she is going to pay, you thought I was really gonna stay away from her, well you were wrong." He says. "Should I slit her throat or stab her." He says pointing the knife to her stomach.

I run over to him and wrestle with him over the knife. He punches me and quickly gets up. "I told you to stay back." He yells. He comes towards me but kiara jumps in front of me and he stabs her. "NO." I yell. She falls to the floor and he runs out. I rush over to her. No, No, No." I say. "Baby, can you hear me, come on stay with me." I say rocking her back and forth. "Don't you die on me." Call 911." I say to Charlotte as she stands there crying.

I move her hair from her face and kiss the side of her face. "You're gonna be okay, we're gonna get you to the hospital and I'm gonna be right there by your side." I put pressure on the wound. "Come on, please." Don't leave me." I lay her down and grab a pillow to support her head. "Roman." She says weakly. "Shh, don't talk." I say stroking her cheek. "I-I don't think I'm gonna make it." She says closing her eyes. "NO, open your eyes, you're gonna make it baby, just hang on for me." I'm right here." I say.

The paramedics finally arrive and I ride in the ambulance with her. I hold her hand the whole way there. She kept fading in and out of consciousness. I kiss her hand and stay by her side until we get to the hospital. I wanted to go in with her but they wouldn't let me.

I just stand there, and watch them take her to the room. I couldn't move. If she died, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. She had to survive. We were gonna be together again, I was gonna fight for her.

Time went by slowly and I shook my leg waiting on the Doctor. Charlotte was there, she was outside on the phone talking to Seth and all I had on my mind was my girlfriend, my love laying in the hospital bed fighting for her life.

I see the doctor walking towards me. Are you Roman? He asks. "Yes." I say. "Is she okay, she's gonna make it right." He doesn't say anything for a minute but finally speaks up. "She's gonna be okay." He says patting my arm. Can I see her? I ask.

"She's sleeping, but sure you can see her." He says. I walk to her room. I go in and sit beside the bed. "The doctor says you're gonna be okay, I knew you were, you're a fighter, you're strong." So right now, I need you to fight, I need you here with me, I can't go on without you." I'm sorry, for everything." I never meant to hurt you and I did, and now I've lost you, but I made a promise to myself that I was gonna protect you and I failed." I wasn't there for you, but I'm here now." I intertwine our hands. "You see this, you're my forever, we're forever." "This is gonna work." I stroke her hair. "I know you can hear me, so I want you to listen." I love you, with every piece of me and I'm never gonna stop, even if we aren't together, I will still love you." So when you wake up, I'm gonna spend every minute making it up to you." I promise.

I kiss her forehead and stay by her bedside, hoping that she woke up soon.

To Be Continued.

I told y'all roman had me in tears. He's literally everything. ugh. 😭😭😭😭😭

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