Part Six (Attacked)

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Roman's POV

I'm so happy. She agreed to go on a date with me and I couldn't contain my joy. I texted her the place where we gonna meet. I couldn't wait too see her again. I send her a text.

Roman- I'm here, waiting on you beautiful, can't wait too see you.

I smile at that the text I just sent.

Kiara❤️- sorry I can't make it, but maybe next time.

Huh. What just happened.

Roman- what's wrong, I thought you wanted to get to know each other better.

Kiara❤️- sorry, something came up and I can't make it.

I groan in annoyance. Something wasn't right. I could feel it. This wasn't like her, I mean she agreed to go on a date with me and then she backs out. Something's up.

I call her cellphone. It went straight to voicemail. I was getting worried. Charlotte told me kiara's ex was out of jail and how crazy he was. Maybe he got to her.

I called Charlotte, and thankfully she picked up. "Hello." She says groggily. "Charlotte, it's Roman, look I need you too meet me I think something is up with Kiara."

What're you talking about? She asks. "The guy you told me about, her ex what did he do to her." She hesitated but finally spoke. "He was really abusive towards her and he became obsessed and started stalking her he went to jail but she told me that he got out and was coming to find her and I-." Oh, God what if he got her Roman, what if he done something too her." We need to get to her, I've called her cell but she isn't answering."

"Okay, I'll go check on her." She says. "I'll come with you. "No, I'll go by myself, if something happened I will call you." I rub my face. Oh god, if something happened to her, no stop Roman you can't think like that. She's okay I say to myself.

Dean and Seth finally arrive and I explain to them what's going on. What! Charlotte went by herself, why didn't you stop her. Seth says. "Cause she wanted to go, I told her I would go with her but she said no."

"So what's the plan." Dean asks. "I'm waiting  on Charlotte to call me back." I say to him. My phone dings and it's a picture message, I open it and see a picture of Kiara, laying on the floor she looked unconscious and there was someone kneeling beside her. Oh God, Oh god.

I show Seth and Dean and their eyes go wide. "Let's go." We get in the car and drive off. "Come on stupid traffic." Charlotte texts me the address where kiara lived. I drove as fast as I could and I didn't care if I got a ticket. We finally get to her house and Charlotte is standing outside crying.

Seth runs over to her and hugs her. What happened? I ask. She doesn't say anything just continues crying. "When I got here, I saw her on the floor, she wasn't moving and she had blood on her dress, he attacked her." She's okay, now she came too but she was asking for you."

I go inside to find her sitting on the couch rocking back and forth, her hair was a mess and part of her dress was torn. She runs and hugs me. I hold her tight and stroke her hair.

"He-He attacked me." I couldn't fight back, I tried too but he was stronger than me and I- I." She bursts out crying. "Shhh I'm here now, it's okay, you're safe." She pulls away and I place my hands on her face. I wipe her tears with my thumb. "I'm so sorry Roman, I was on my way too meet you and he showed up, he was at the cafe too and he tried to do something then but I ran."

"Just take a deep breath, I'm here now." I held her until she calmed down. "I'm sorry I look a mess, we were supposed to be going on a date and now look at me."

I'm pissed. He put his hands on her. He touched her. I was seething. I was gonna find him and beat his ass. I didn't wanna leave her alone.

I stay with her until she falls asleep, I kiss her forehead and ease out the room. "Stay with her Charlotte." She nods and I head out with Dean and Seth. "If she wakes up, tell her I went out."

I wanted to find out where that asshole was so I could beat him senseless. We drive around trying to find him and then I spot someone running down the street. I blow my horn and the guy stops running. I pull over and stop.

Are you josh? I ask. He chuckles. "Who the hell are you and why is that any of your business." I punch him so hard I think he lost a tooth. I grab him by his shirt and pull him up. "You attacked kiara, so you can either answer my questions or I will beat your brains out and the trash people will have to sweep them up." Now, did you attack her."She deserved it, I went to jail because of her and I wanted to make her pay, and by the way she is still innocent and pure so I could've tried anything but I wanted to wait till the perfect time." I punch him in his stomach and he falls to the ground. I kick him over and over. "Stay away from Kiara, if you come near her again, I swear to god I will hurt you, do you understand." I kick him again. I said do you understand." Yes, please I'm sorry, I'll never bother her again."

"Good."Now get out of here before you end up in the hospital." He scurried off and I stare at Dean and Seth who are just standing there in shock. "I think you knocked one of his teeth out." He laughs. "Way to go, Roman." He high fives me and I shake my head.

Dean and Seth head to the next city where raw was and I stay with Kiara, I wasn't gonna leave her side not for a minute. Charlotte was sleeping and I didn't find Kiara anywhere. Then I heard sniffling, I saw her laying on the couch crying. I walk over to her and kneel beside her. Where'd you go? She asks. "I had something to take care of, but I'm here now." "I'm sorry I ruined our date." She says.

"You didn't ruin our date, I enjoy this better." Being here with you, it's what I want." She smiles weakly. Aren't you supposed to be headed to the next city for raw? She asks.

"I am, but i wanna stay here with you."I'm not leaving you." I say. She sniffles. I stroke her hair. She falls asleep and I go to the kitchen and grab a water. I hear footsteps behind me and turn around. "I couldn't sleep, sorry if I scared you." She leans against the door frame. I stare at her and keep my eyes locked on her. Why're you staring at me? She asks. I walk closer to her and stand in front of her. "You know, you shouldn't be this close to me." She says.

I kiss her and honestly it was amazing. I deepen the kiss and she puts her arms around my neck. "Maybe I wanna be this close to you." I whisper in her ear. I pull back and stare at her. She bites her lip. "Hmm, that was good, we should do it again. "We should, I mean that is if you really want me." You do want me right." I grab the end of her dress and pull her closer to me. "I do want you." I kiss her neck and she giggles. I pull away. I didn't wanna go any further unless she wanted me too. "So, does this mean we're together." Yeah, if that's what you want." I say. Will you be my girlfriend?

"Yes, that's what I want." She says. "Good, that's what I want also." I smirk to myself. She's mine, and I'm not letting her go.

To Be Continued.....


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