Part seven (Stalked)

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Kiara's POV

I was still shaken up because of what josh did to me. Roman didn't wanna leave me alone but I assured him I would be okay, he headed to the next city for raw and Charlotte said she would spend the night so if anything happened she would be here with me. "You know, you don't have to stay, I'll be fine." I say. "Nope, I'm staying, you aren't getting rid of me that easy." She says. "Roman asked me to keep an eye on you and that's what I'm gonna do." I still didn't know why he was so worried I mean josh was gone hopefully and I didn't want him too worry about me while he was out on the road. We kissed last night and I'm not gonna lie it was amazing and wonderful and everything I hoped for.

"I'll be over later, I gotta head to work." Okay." I say. I was expecting a package from my mother and I was excited too see what it was. I cooked some food and watched tv until the doorbell rang. "About time, I didn't think I-." My eyes go wide it was josh. I closed the door but he forced it open with his shoulder. I ran too the bedroom and locked the door. I heard him coming up the steps and I panicked. Where was I gonna hide. I looked around frantically. "The closet." I whispered. I ran and hid closing the door. I called Charlotte but she wasn't picking up. "Damn it." I heard him trying to break the door down and I covered my ears, I wanted him to go away and never come back. When I didn't hear him anymore I eased out of the closet and unlocked the door.

I peeked out in the hall to make sure he was gone. And luckily he was. The door was wide open and I quickly closed and locked it. I really needed deadbolts. I went into town and got a few things. I was very cautious of my surroundings and I made sure I wasn't being followed. But while I was shopping I could've swore I felt like someone was watching me. I shook the feeling off and continued shopping.

*Ding* my phone went off, I was honestly scared to look at it cause I didn't know what I would see but I didn't wanna look at it. But then it rang.

I took a deep breath and answered.

"Hello." No answer. "Hello, is someone there." Still no answer but I heard breathing. "Okay, if this is some sick joke then you can stop right now cause I'm not playing your little game." I tell them."

"You look nice, by the way you leaning on the buggy like that is pretty hot." I turn around and see if anyone was watching me but no one was there. Okay, now I was scared. I quickly leave and head home. Charlotte hadn't got off work yet but she said she would be over as soon as she could. I unlock the door and walk to the kitchen. I put the bags on the table and notice a letter was there.

It didn't have an address and my name was on it. I open it and instantly regret it. I saw pictures of Roman and me, when we were at the restaurant and there was a picture of me at the smackdown tapings. How the hell did this person get these pictures. I didn't know how to react I don't know if it was a prank or if someone was actually serious.

I knew one thing for sure, I was terrified. I was so scared that I constantly kept looking out the window and closing the curtains. I tried to take my mind off of it by checking my messages. I had 3 missed texts and they were from a number I didn't recognize, they were threatening messages, like "I'm gonna make you pay for what you've done, and "you're gonna be sorry." I knew it had to be one person and that was josh.

That's it I was going to the police station. I had enough. I text Charlotte and let her know what's happening. I drive to the police station and go inside. "Hi, ma'am may I help you."

"Yes, hi I think I'm being stalked and I wanna make a report." She was a nice lady, wow nice cops when will you ever come across them. What exactly has been going on to make you think you're being stalked? She asks. I show her the messages and the letter. Do you know how this person could be? "Yes, my ex- boyfriend, his name is josh and he has had contact with me even when he wasn't supposed too, he recently got out of jail and he has been messing with me ever since, he's physically attacked me and he has been obsessed with me." I say to her. She types something in her computer.

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