chapter 11

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LALA LA , okay before I start I just want to say, awww thanks to everypony who wanted me to continue and to emerlad HD that pony gave me ideas, and told me to continue for sonic. I'm doing exactly that! "I'M GONNA CONTINUE FOR SONIC!!!!!!!" Yay enjoy XD.


I stood in front of Tom. I looked Into his eyes I didn't see anything only my reflection staring back at me. His Mayne, looks dead. He's pale,and he looks like something evil went into him. I wasn't shocked to see him. I didn't know what to do. He had an evil grin, on his face. Open my wings and flew Inside. I didn't want to scare any pony. So I pulled twilight, Apple Jack, pinkie pie, flutter shy, and rarity. To the side. They were wondering why would I pull them aside. "Rainbow dash what is the meaning of this?" "Yeah , it's party time!!!" "Y'all okay rainbow?" "No, I don't want to scare you but." "Tom is outside and he's trying to get In?" "How did you know?" Twilight pointed to an window. It was opened, "keep everypony entertained!" I flew off, but I heard pinkie pie saying "OKIE DOKIE!! GUMMY ITS PARTY TIME!!!"

I saw Jupiter he was talking and laughing, the kids were playing with Apple bloom and scootale , and sweetie bell. ( freaked auto correct!) I wanted to enjoy this night but I have more problems. I flew outside looking around, I flew up to close the window but the door to the window was gone. I got nervous, I got down on my hooves. And walking around to look for clues.while I was walking I stepped into an puddle it was an warm puddle I couldn't see what it was because. It's night. It was tingly on my foot, not knowing what it was. Then I stepped Into another puddle. I decided to go inside, I go inside and everyone is staring at me. Looking at my dress. Jupiter ran up to me "are you ok?" "Yeah why?" "He looked down at my dress. I looked down my dress was stained with blood. The puddles I stepped in we're blood. I looked in shock. Twilight took me to the restroom. Then the others followed. She was stunned to see my dress drenched with blood. Rarity was being dramatic "the dress is RUINED!!" I just rolled my eyes. Twilight performed an spell to clean me up and the dress. Twilight then asked "where did you get blood over your dress?" "Outside I stepped in an puddle." Rarity then stopped being dramatic, then said " the kids said they were gonna play with an puddle outside." I rushed Outside to see all the kids playing in the puddles.

I tell them to come back Inside in the light they were drenched in blood. I wanted to throw up, twilight cleaned them up then got back to the party. I still wasn't sure why was there blood.and what does Tom want with me or sonic? I walk inside and again the light go off. I smack my hooves to my head. Then something is flying around I could feel the air of the wings. It was dark only moon light from the window was seen. I heard screaming, then and bloody scream. I run to the spot relying on my hearing.I felt an liquid, I didn't want to think of what it was. I look around then hear sonic, "GET OFF OF ME YOU SON OF AN B****!!!" but motherly instincts got to me first "WATCH YOUR MOUTH SONIC!!" Then I run over and feel the air again. I flew up and bumped into something, I grab It immediately. Then throw it to the ground I hear an grunt then laughing. Like an spine chilling laugh,I knew it was Tom. I looked around not letting my guard down. I knew if I flew down something would happen. I hear sapphire curse. I thought what are these ponies exposed to? Pinkie had an Lantern, she put it on after that event. It light up half of the room.

Blood was all over the ground then I heard distant crying. I flew to the source it was sonic. His wings were all bloody and plucked. He was crying. I didn't know what to do. "JUPITER !" He rushed over. Then everypony looked in horror. Jupiter put sonic on his back carefully. I start holding Sonics hoove. He was saying "mommy I can't feel my wings" "it's going to be okay." When we walked out I felt an evil present . And felt eyes staring at me. I blew away the feeling, I wanted to make sure sonic was okay. We flew to the hospital , sonic was pumping out blood like an blood factory. Some nurses faces turned into tears. But doctors took sonic and rushed to an examination room. Me and Jupiter waited for the doctors to call us in. I was so nervous I thought is it going . To effect his flying, could he be able to use his wings. I had all these thoughts. Jupiter saw me , and said "don't worry, I bit Sonics going to be okay." "I hope so." I kept thinking why did Tom hurt sonic. And what the fudge is going on?


HI, EVERYPONY!! So I know short chapter. But some of y'all are like why did Tom hurt sonic and what the flip is going on! Okay ask me to CONTIUNE ' alright bye XD. AND If you want you can suggest things. Cause I'm open to ideas, again thanks to emerladHD!

rainbow dash's love (mlp fan fic) [under extreme editing]Where stories live. Discover now