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Chapter 2

Class went by fairly quickly and for that I was grateful. I honestly didn't want to stay there any longer than I had to. The new kid kept staring at me and when I caught him he would just roll his eyes at me. I wasn't even talking to him and he joined the dark side.

Once the bell rang i was out the door and onto my next class. On the way to my math class someone decided to have fun. One minute I'm walking and the next I'm on the ground and I can't breathe. I gasped for breath and I heard laughter, then the new kid showed his pretty little face and helped me up. I went stiff, waiting for him to push me down, he never did though. He just walked away and the hall emptied. I ran the rest of the way to class and actually made it on time for once in my life.

All my classes went quickly and that was a blessing. Once the final bell rang I was on my way home. Strangely, the walk home was without incident. As I walked into the house I noticed something. Everything was clean and there was dinner on the table. I don't remember cooking anything for dinner this morning. I began to look around the house but father wasn't home. When he stops by, he stays for a couple days not one night. What the hell is happening? First a new kid, then I don't get hurt for the majority of the day and now father isn't home. Has the world decided to end or something? Did I die on the way home and go to heaven even though father tells me I'll go to hell when I die?

I gave up on trying to figure out what's going on and decide that a shower would be nice. I walk up to my room to get my pajamas. Once I have them I go the bathroom and hop into the shower. About 5 minutes later I'm done and i hear the front door open.

"Alex gets down here now!" my father screams. I jump out of the shower and get dressed quickly. As I run down the stairs I hear laughter. Why is father laughing? Who else is in house with me? I walk towards father and look at the woman standing next to him. She has her arm wrapped around his arm and i glare at her.

The blow comes fast and hard. Before I know what's going on I'm on the floor holding my swollen cheek. That Lady just stared at me and laughed. I look up at father and he glares at me.

"This is your new mother, you will treat her and her son with respect and I mean it. If they come to me with any complaint about you then your ass and all your stuff are out of this house faster than you can say goodbye." I simply nodded; I looked behind my father and new mother to see the new kid from class, so the new kid is my new brother. Well isn't that just fan-flipping-tastic. He gets to see how I live and then he can go tell the whole fucking school, my life is just wonderful isn't it. My father cleared his throat and motioned for the boy to step forward. Like a good son he obeyed, and smirked at me.

"This is Jake; he will be staying in the room across from yours. Go show him to his room and don't screw this up like everything else got it?" I nodded and walked to the stairs with Jake behind me. He was very quiet, when I showed him his room he laughed.

"The old man calls this a room?" The walls were bare and the bed was covered in a thin layer of dust. Everything in this room had a thin coating of dust; I left his room before he could ask me anything. Once in the safety of my room I laid down and let sleep take over.

While I was sleeping my dad left the house for a 'business trip'. That means that he won't be home for a few weeks and or months. That also meant that I'm stuck here with my new mom and brother.

Let the fun begin.


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