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(Because I love you for reading my story I tried to make this chapter longer. Have fun!)

3rd person POV

The drive from the airport to the hotel was slightly longer than any of them had anticipated. Jess had to sit in Alex's lap while Grace sat in Tyler's. The cab was hot and stuffy and the driver was a pudgy man. His face was marred with stubble and he had Tabaco juice dribble from his mouth from time to time. Alex and Jess had fallen asleep while Tyler and Grace where staring out the window watching the landscape fly by.

Tyler began to hum a song he knew by heart and to his surprise Grace joined him. He stared at her for a second before smiling and then they went back to looking out the window. When they got to the hotel Tyler noticed that Grace had fallen asleep while Alex had woken up. "We have to get these two out of here and up the room." Alex nodded and slid Jess off his lap and climbed out of the cab. He ran into the hotel and checked in before running back to the cab with a buggy for the luggage.

Opening the car door, Tyler slid Grace next to Jess and helped Alex put the bags onto the buggy. Once all the bags were in place Tyler picked Grace up and out of the car and held onto her while Alex picked up Jess after paying the driver. Both boys had their hands full and thankfully a bellboy ran out and pushed the buggy to an elevator and then asked what floor they were staying on.

Tyler looked over at Alex and shrugged. "We are staying on the fourth floor room 411." Alex's answer was short and the bellboy clicked the button for the fourth floor. While the elevator went up Grace stirred and let out a mumbled strain of words before falling silent.

Tyler looked at Alex and grinned before the doors opened to reveal the fourth floor. They followed the bellhop to the room and Alex gave him the key so he could open the door. Tyler was shocked as he walked in and saw the view they had of the ocean from the room's only window. The window had a small balcony that he really wanted to check out but first they had to unpack and change.

Alex gave the bellhop a tip and then closed the door after laying Alex on the bed. Tyler looked down at Grace in his arms and his heart jumped before he laid her down. "You get changed and I'll wake the girls." Alex nodded and grabbed his trunks from his bag and walked into the bathroom. . Tyler walked over to Jess and started shaking her to get her awake. "Jess, time to wake up." She groaned and rolled over.

Tyler smirked and grabbed one of the pillows before hitting her several times with it. She jumped up startled and looked around the room to see a laughing Tyler holding the object that had hit her. She glared at him before it all clicked. She was now in a hotel room near the beach. She was at the beach with the one she loved and her two closest friends.

She jumped out of bed and started shaking Grace. This led to Grace freaking out and grabbing onto Jess as they both fell to the ground. Tyler helped them up just as Alex walked out of the bathroom in a pair of black trunks that hung low on his waist. 

Jess started to blush while grace threw a pillow at Tyler's head. He ducked and laughed while Jess stood up and grabbed her swimsuit from her bag. "I will get changed then Grace can jump in here and then after Tyler is dressed we can go down to the water." Jess closed the door after her speech and Grace grabbed her bag to take into the bathroom with her. Tyler looked at Alex and nodded, "Trying to give Jess a heart attack?"

Alex looked confused before he realized what Tyler had said. His cheeks turned pink and Grace started laughing. Tyler grinned at her and soon Jess stepped out in a crop top and shorts. Grace stepped inside and got dressed. She came out in a similar outfit as Jess and Tyler slipped into the bathroom and changed into his dark blue trunks that hung low on his waist.

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