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Jess's POV

After we cleaned the kitchen and the table, we went to his room and watched some movies. I lay down next to him and he wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest and Spook curled up at the foot of the bed.

She was asleep and for once, she did not attack Alex. I smiled at the thought of her jumping on him again like this morning. I am glad that today is a Friday. I honestly can't go to school right now.

I began to fall asleep when I felt him move. He moved his arms so that I was laying on the bed and he moved his head so that he was using my chest as a pillow. I blushed slightly and moved so I was comfortable.

He turned off the T.V. and lay back down. I played with his hair and he hummed. I smiled and closed my eyes. I fell asleep when I heard him snoring.


I woke up to find Alex sitting up at the foot of the bed. He was drying his hair; he must have gotten out of the shower. I sat up slowly and tugged down the shirt. It normally scrunched up while I slept.

I stretched and crawled over to Alex. I hugged him and he let out a chuckle. I smiled and let out a shriek when he grabbed me and stood up. He began to spin around with me still in his arms. I laughed and hit at his back to put me down.

After a few seconds, he stopped spinning and he put me down. I walked out of the room and walked into my own. I walked over to my phone and saw a few missed calls and texts from my old friend Tyler.

I have not seen him since elementary school. I read his texts to me. He had heard what happened between my dad and me. He told me that he would be transferring to my school in a week. I smiled and texted him a quick message.

"Hey Tyler, I am glad that you are going to join me. I have a lot to tell you but that can wait for when I see you. I gtg now but I will see you soon bye. \(O0O)/"

I turned off my phone and waked back to Alex. He was staring at Spook, he wasn't moving. I laughed and picked up the cat. She purred and rubbed her head into my arm. Alex glared at the cat but walked up to me.

He kissed me softly before grabbing his keys and walking to the door. "I should get off work early and then I am taking my girl on a date." I smiled and walked to the door. I stoop on my toes and planted a kiss on his cheek before he left for work.

I looked down at the cat in my arms and smiled at her. She just flicked her tail back and forth in irritation. I laughed and put her down to fill her food and water bowl. I sat on the couch reading a book while she ate her food.

I need to know how this book ends and then I can tell Alex all about it.


It was around lunchtime when I finished the book. I hate that I finished it because now I need to find another book to read. Taking a breath, I looked through my books in my room, none of them caught my attention.

I sighed and got dressed, slipping on a big sweater and some skinny jeans. I grabbed my spare key for the apartment and walked to the door. Spook was already in her crate so she was fine. I opened the door and locked it on my way out.

I walked to the bus stop and waited. I knew which bus to take to get to the library. When I got on the bus I paid and sat in the back, the bus was empty and quiet. The driver stopped at the library and I got off. The library was big and smelled like coffee and cinnamon.

I walked over to the adult section and began my hunt for the perfect book to read.


*Sponge-Bob Voice---1 hour later*

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