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Alex's POV

After she pulled away, I let out a nervous laugh. She was blushing and Spook was hissing at me. That cat hates me now. Jess shooed Spook away then turned to look at me. "I will kill you if I get sick." With that, she walked away to her room.

I smiled; everything is going to be all right. I followed her to her room and knocked on the door. She opened it and I took a step back. "Will you go on a date with me on Friday?" She looked at me, "Maybe," then she closed the door.

I laughed and walked away to my room. I lay down after taking some medicine, letting sleep take me away. 


Waking up on Monday was easy, my head did not hurt and I felt good. My fever must have broken over the weekend. The one thing that was off about this morning was the cat.

She seemed to be glaring at me all morning while I got ready for school. I tried to feed her and she launched at my face. Falling back over the couch I landed on my head with my feet in the air as that monster crouched and stalked towards me.

Jess walked into the living room as the cat attacked my face. She rushed over to me and pulled the cat away. Spook hissed at me and then began to purr once she started to pet her.

"What is up with that cat?" She shrugged and put her in the carrier before helping me up and kissing me on the cheek. "Let's just go to school ok?" I nodded and grabbed her hand and my keys before walking to me car.


The drive was quiet; the radio was not playing anything good so we turned it off. I was still holding her hand; she did not seem to not like it so I kept her hand in mine. As we pulled into the parking lot, Jess tensed. I looked at where she was and saw that guy from the hall waiting.

I looked at her and nodded before getting out and opening the door for her. She stepped out and before she could do anything, I pulled her to me and kissed her. It took her a minute to get what was happening but once she did, she wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss.

I could see the person glaring at me and I knew I won. He knew she was mine and he would spread the word quickly. Taking a small step back, I smiled down at Jess. Her cheeks were flushed a deep pink and her lips where swollen slightly.

I smirked and she blushed again. I grabbed her hand and our bags and we made our way to the school.

I walked with Jess to our lockers. All the way there students were looking around nervously. I had just opened my locker when Jess went stiff. I turned around and there she was.

Amanda stood in front of Jess, her eyes full of calm fury. I grabbed Jess's hand and pulled her closer to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and I could feel her relax.

"What do you want Amanda?" She glared at Jess and then turned to me. She put on a sickly sweet smile and then opened her mouth, "I was wondering if you would like to go with me to the movies." She sounded like she meant it but I knew better.

"I'm sorry, I don't go on dates with people who expect to end up in someone's bed." She paled and I saw her eyes widen. "Besides, I already have a date with my girlfriend." She snorted and looked around.

"I don't see any girlfriend all I see is Jess." I smirked at her and pulled Jess closer. I kissed her softly just to make Amanda take the hint to leave. She failed to see that I was with Jess.

"I don't think your 'girlfriend' would like you kissing that thing." She nodded to Jess and I felt Jess stiffen. "Amanda, when will you get it through your empty little head that I don't like you? I like Jess, not you. I Do Not want the whole school's leftovers."

With that, I pulled Jess away to our first period.


Class went by quickly. The other students left Jess and I alone. I guess they caught wind of what happened to Amanda. After Jess and I walked away from her she exploded. Spewing profanities like no tomorrow. She humiliated herself in front of half the school.

She is beginning to lose her popularity. She will fall sooner or later. Jess and I are now sitting outside for lunch. The air was crisp but the sun provided warmth. I had my arm around her shoulder and she was leaning into me.

We were joking around, enjoying the warmth when one of Amanda's friends walked over to us. She glared at Jess and I felt Jess stiffen. I tightened my hold on her and she relaxed.

"What do you want?" I do not know her name but that does not matter. She continued to glare at Jess but she answered me. "Amanda wants to say sorry to you and it before she moves. She's saying crap like 'I miss my best friend' and other stuff that is a total lie." She popped her gum and twirled her fake blonde hair around her finger.

I cringed and Jess sighed. I looked at her and she nodded. "Where does she want to meet to get this over with?" She told us that after school to go to Amanda's locker and wait there. I nodded and then she left.

"Do you really want to do this Jess?" She nodded slowly, "I need to know why she turned on me. I want to know if it was just to gain popularity or just because she never wanted to be my friend in the first place."

I nodded and hugged her close to me. We stayed like that until the bell rang. I helped her up and we walked to our next class. No matter what happens, I am helping Jess. She is mine and I need to protect her.

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