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Alex's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Startled, I looked around until I remembered. I had picked up Jess last night and we stayed the night on the couch. I sat up and once on my feet I walked into the kitchen. There, standing over the stove, was Jess. She was cooking when she noticed me.

She looked embarrassed and I grinned. As we started talking, the kitten wobbled into the kitchen. I picked her up and began to pet her softly. I heard her purr and I smiled. I turned to face Jess, she was putting the bacon and eggs on a plate.

"What are you gonna name her?" She shrugged and thought about it for  a minute. "I think Spook is a good name for her." I agreed , after all she was a black cat. I sat at the table after putting Spook on the floor and stretched. I looked at Jess and spoke softly. "Are you ok Jess?" I saw her stiffen, but I had to know what happened. I had to know what he did to her. I had to protect her from what I grew up with. She looked me in the eyes and frowned. "I won't ever be fully ok, but at the moment I feel better than when I called you last night." I grabbed her hand gently and gave her a soft smile.

"If you need a place to stay, that guest room is yours to keep as long as you want." She smiled slightly and I heard her chuckle. "I would like that very much." We ate our breakfast in comfortable silence and after we finished I washed the dishes.

I was humming a tune I remember hearing before father hurt me. I still hadn't told her about my childhood. I was scared she would leave me once she knew the whole story. She was my only friend and I couldn't lose her. I dried off my hands and walked into the living room. I sat next to Jess as she petted Spook.

I grinned and decided to put in a movie. I grabbed some blankets and some drinks before sitting down again. We were having a movie day today and then it was off to the costume stores to get a scary costume for the dance on Friday.


After about 5 movies, it was time to get out of the apartment. I stood up and told Jess I would get dressed and that she should do the same. She wined but in the end she got up and got dressed. In about 10 minutes we were ready and out the door. The kitten was safely locked in the bathroom.

Getting in the car, we made our way to the costume store. Let the fun of trying on stuff begin.


An hour into shopping we had our costumes. Mine was a tux with blood stains around the gut and neck. Jess's costume was a wedding dress, torn and bloodied. We were dressed up as a murdered couple on their wedding day. It was perfect, all I had to do now was buy them and we could get food.

Buying the costumes was easy. They did cost a bit so Jess said she would buy the food since I paid for her dress. I was glad we stopped at McDonalds on the way home. I was hungry and it was already dark outside.

As we pulled into the parking lot I notice that Jess looked a little less like Jess. She looked very tired and that was unusual for her. I'm going to take her to the doctor if she isn't better by tomorrow. I need to make sure she eats and drinks before she goes to sleep tonight.

I got out of the car and grabbed the food after handing her the keys to the house. She locked the car and unlocked the door to the apartment. Waiting until she was seated at the couch, I began to take out the food and put it on plates. I brought her what she ordered and sat next to her with my plate. I asked what movie she wanted to watch and she said a scary movie.

Wanting her to be happy, I put in a scary movie of her choice and waited. I thought since she picked the movie that she had seen it already. I was wrong, she was jumping and crying out when people got killed.

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