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Chapter 11

Alex's POV

The morning shift at the gas station was odd. Not that many people came in but by the afternoon it was busy. People in and out faster than I thought possible. I lost track of how many coffee cups I sold but this meant I would get more money. That was a good thing for sure.

By the time I was done at 8 I was exhausted. I had Mr. Jay pick me up this morning so my car was at the apartment. He drove me home and practically carried me into the apartment. He laid me on the bed and left after making sure I was ok. I was only half awake when he left and once I heard that door shut I was in a blanket of darkness.


My alarm woke me up at 5:30. I had to go to school and that meant I needed to get ready. Just wonderful, I am exhausted and I need to be at school before 8. That may sound doable but it's not if your wrist is still in a cast. It's hard enough to get dressed normally and having to rush for school makes it worse.

I was ready and out the door by 7:15. It took me about 30 minutes to get to the school due to all the traffic. I didn't even eat breakfast, I grabbed an apple before getting into my car. I was currently sitting in the front office, waiting for the lady at the desk to get off the phone. I need my schedule so I'm not late to any of my classes.

As soon as she hung up the phone I walked up to her desk. She smiled at me and I told her my name. She nodded and grabbed my schedule. I was on my way to my locker when I bumped into someone. This someone let out a very feminine squeal and I was lucky enough to catch her before she fell on the floor.

I was shocked, she was very short and her hair was a light brown. Her eyes where a beautiful blue and I was awestruck. She cleared her throat and I helped her stand. I blushed slightly and smiled sheepishly at her. She smiled slightly and extended her hand.

"The names Jess, what's your name beanpole?" I laughed and shook her hand. I was only 5'11 but she looked like she was about 5'3. I smiled and bowed low. "My name is Alex" she let out a laugh and I grinned. I was glad I bumped into her.

"I'm new here and I was wondering, since your already talking to me, would you mind showing me where these classes are?" She took my schedule and smiled again. "It seems that we have a fair share of the same classes. I'll show you around and when you get use to it just follow me."  I nodded, grateful that I had met someone nice. Maybe this fresh start was what I needed to start being happy again. I followed Jess to her locker, my locker was next to hers. I opened it and put in the books I wouldn't need for first period. She did the same with her books. Her locker was decorated on the inside while mine was bare.

"Nice locker Jess." she looked at me and smirked. "Thanks beanpole I like to make stuff my own if I have to use it for longer than a day or two." I nodded in understanding and closed my locker. She had already closed her locker and was now making her way back down the hallway. I jogged up to catch her.

"Why are you calling me Beanpole?" She looked me right in the eye and said with a completely straight face, "Would you rather I call you bigfoot?" With that we made our way to first period while I though over what she said.

First period went by face, I sat next to Jess and some people glared at her. I had no idea why until we made our way out into the hall. A group of girls walked towards us and I stood slightly in front of her. I knew that type of group meant trouble. The girl in the center was obviously the leader and she was in my first period class as well.

She smiled at me and looked me up and down. She bit her lip seductively, I had to fight back a laugh. She looked like she had to fart but couldn't if she wanted to stay on top. She looked me in the eyes for the first time and smiled.

"Hello there, I heard that you new here." Her voice was high pitch and dripped with fake kindness. "I'm Amanda and I would love to show you around." I knew enough to tell that had another meaning hidden in it. She was obviously not as innocent as she wanted to seem.

"I already have a friend showing me around the school. Thank you though, I appreciate the gesture." She looked livid, if this where a cartoon then steam would shoot out of her ears. She didn't lose her smile though.

"I don't see anyone with you." She was glaring at Jess and I caught on. Jess was bullied here, she seemed so cool though. I grabbed Jess by the hand and walked past Amanda and her group of friends. Jess was tense and I knew she was upset.

I turned the corner and let go of her hand. "You should have gone with her. I'm gonna catch hell now." I looked at her and frowned. "Why would I want to go with the same type of person I'm running from?" She looked at me and laughed. "I doubt that anyone picked on you before you came here." I shook my head and sighed. "I'm not gonna leave just cause a girl with a stick up her ass wants to 'show me around'."

Jess looked and me and I saw amusement in there blue depths. She smiled and held out her hand. I looked at it confused. "If you're really mean that, then let's make a deal. I protect you from the girls and you in return be my friend."

Smiling I took her hand and that was the beginning of our friendship.


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