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Chapter 9

Alex's POV

Looking for a place to stay would be difficult. I have no money and I have no food. I need a job that will get me through my last years of high school and I will also need a place to call home. Just wonderful, I need to get a newspaper and see if anyone has a job for a high school student. That at least will be easy to get. I know a guy at the gas station who gives out free news paper. He's a good man but the economy didn't care when it ruined his restaurant.

I made my way to the gas station and grabbed a news paper. The man looked at me and frowned. I ignored him as long as I could. He just kept staring and that's when I remembered. I had nothing to cover my cuts, I had bruises all over my face and I probably had blood on my shirt.

I turned to him and smiled. "Hello Mr. Jay, how is the wife and kid?" He simply nodded and sighed. "What the hell happened to you boy? Did you run into a pole until you knocked it over?" He was joking of course and I laughed. I liked this man, he was always nice to me.

"Looking for a job to put me through school and an apartment." He nodded again and smiled. I looked at him confused. "If it's a job you want I got one for you. I also have an apartment you could rent. I use it when the Mrs. is mad at me." He grinned sheepishly and I laughed. I asked him about the job and living quarters. He said I could stay in the apartment as long as I needed and that the job was simple. I would be the janitor at night but during the day I would work the register.

I had a chance to make something of myself and I was going to take it. I needed this job more than anything and I was grateful he was giving it to me. I asked when I needed to start working and he said by next Friday. I had all week to get moved into the apartment and that was good. I had a week to transfer schools and then my life that I am leaving will be nothing but a memory.

Jake's POV

Once I find that rat-faced kid I'm killing him. He trashed my baby and then had the nerve to drive away without fighting me. I would cut up his body and burry it under a dead dog. That way it would never be found by the police. When I see him on Monday I will make his life hell. I will get everyone I know to attack him and I know that no one will stop me. I was in the middle of texting my new fling the details when my 'father' walked into the room.

He slammed my door shut and this surprised me. "Look what you did. You made my son leave!" He took a step towards me and I backed up. He looked ready to kill, I understand why that kid was so scared of him. He was getting closer when mother ran in the room. She grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away from me.

I was glad she was trying to protect me and with that I slammed a vase into his head while he was glaring at my mother. I dragged his body out of my room and told mother to get ice so his head didn't swell. I may not like the jerk but I still had to live here.

Just a few more weeks then mother will leave him and we will be back on the road. That's what I thought anyway I had no idea that she was in love with that ass. She told me a few weeks later that she planned on staying with him. She was saying stuff like "He won't hurt us like your father." and other nonsense like that. I knew men like him and they never changed. He would destroy everything he touched.

I was only a matter of time before he treated me like he treated Alex and I was worried. What if he hurt mother while she was pregnant? Was he really that heartless that he would kill a baby before it was born?

That is one question I didn't want the answer to. I never got to teach that kid a lesson, he's been missing. I went to the front office and asked about him and they said he transferred to a different school. When I asked what school they said it was between him and his immediate family. That meant to get back to class so I'm not late again.

I was known for being late as well as being responsible for most of the girls dumping their boyfriends to try to be my bed partner for the week. If they were good enough in bed they would get to stay for an extra week of two. That was the deal and most seemed to understand that very well. I was glad that none of them were like Lacey. She still texted me when she wanted some 'alone time' but I always turned her down.

There is no need to give that girl any hope for more than a 'fuck buddy' relationship. I don't do that and the sooner she caught on the better off everyone will be. I mean honestly, why would I want to stay with the leftovers of the entire football, basketball, baseball, and swim team? The answer is simple. I don't want to stay with her, I'm on a mission to go through more than 16 girls in this year of high school.

I was almost at my goal and that was amazing. I was only 3 girls away from the record. I was proud of myself but mother wasn't. She said I was ruining the girls thoughts about true love. I think it's their own fault. They throw themselves at me and if I like what I see I take the chance I am given. Most of the time I take that chance at school and it works out dine most of the time. I love my life.


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