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Alex's POV

We had our plan set and ready. We would act like we were at odds, like we weren't friends anymore. I would sit by Amanda in the classes I had with her and I would ask her to the dance. I knew she didn't have a date yet, then Jess would be all buddy buddy with Jake and gain his trust. Then on Friday we walk into the dance with each other and see how the two react.

I will completely ignore Amanda and Jess would tell off Jake. The plan would work I knew it. I had faith in Jess, we were going to stay together through thick and thin. That was the only way we would survive.


Today was the day, Jess said that Jake believed she had fallen in love with him. He was sure he would be able to break her heart in front of everyone at the dance. I had asked Amanda if she would be my date for the dance and she was quick to say yes. She didn't even ask about Jess, she seemed to think she had won me over. That was her fatal mistake, I was going to enjoy watching her and Jake break down.

They had ruled for far too long, they needed to be put in their places. That was going to happen as soon as Jess and I got to the dance. I had met Amanda by my car and she had started to kiss me. I wanted nothing more than to push her away but I had to go along with it.

I took a step back and smiled at her. She looked like she was going to fall over, I kissed her cheek and told her I was going to meet her at the dance. She didn't even question me and for that I was thankful. I picked Jess p at the gas station, we went home and got into costume.

I had also asked her what it felt like to have a crush on someone. She blushed and told me that it felt like your world brightened up when they were near and that you wanted to be with that person more and more. I looked away and nodded, hopefully she didn't suspect anything.

I was going to tell her how I felt as soon as the dance was over. I don't want any other guy telling her that he liked her also. That would be bad and I don't think I could handle that. I was all finished when Jess called for me from her room. I walked in and there she was in the middle of the room. Her dress wasn't zipped all the way and I blushed.

I walked up to her and she turned her back to me. "Can you zip it up?" I stayed quiet as I placed a hand on her waist and with the other I grabbed the zipper. I zipped her up and she turned around. It was at that moment I noticed how close we were.

I leaned in slightly and when she didn't pull away I leaned in more. She slowly did the same until...


Jake's POV

I was ready, I am going to take that Jess girl to the dance and then after I will have my fun. I don't really care if she likes me or not. I just need to score a new girl then I can go back to the other school.

I know that Alex goes here and from what the others say, he loves her. I will take her from him then he will be alone again. I just have to pick up the girl and take her to the dance. I walked up to her apartment, it took a few seconds but she opened the door, her cheeks were red.

She must be shy, that will make it difficult for me to take what I want. "I thought we were meeting at the dance?" She looked upset, as if I had interrupted something.  That doesn't matter, "I thought it would be better if I drove my date to the dance instead." I was getting annoyed, she was stalling and I was not in the mood for that.

I took a step towards her and she took one back. I could see the apprehension in her eyes. I took a step back and smiled. "If you would rather meet there I will drive there and wait for you." She nodded and closed the door in my face. I glared at the door and walked to my car.

She better show up or I'll come for her. I know she lives now and that means I can find her if she ditches me.


Jess's POV

I was leaning in when there was a knock at the door. I stepped back and without looking back, I opened the door. There stood Jake, he ruined a moment that could have changed everything. I gave him a fake smile and when he took a step towards me I backed up.

He took the hint and left, saying he would see me at the dance. I closed the door and let out a breath. I looked behind me and there was Alex. I smiled at him, I felt my cheeks burn and I knew why.

I had ignored these feelings for so long and now they were back. I couldn't hide it anymore. I was in love with him and I think he liked me to. I looked up to see him staring at me. I blushed again and made my way to the car. Jake had already left thank goodness and now I was waiting for Alex to get in the car so we could go to the dance and bring Amanda and Jake down once and for all.


It took a few minutes to get to the dance but once we go there the place looked good. I walked in next to Alex and I saw Amanda and Jake imedeatly. I nudged Alex and he smiled. Grabbing my hand, we walked over to Amanda and Jake. They were flirting up a storm. I snickered before putting a pained expression on. I was even able to muster up some tears. Alex let go of my hand and pretended to be mad.

"I had no idea my date had someone else," he was acting very well but I could tell he wasn't really mad. Amanda froze and looked at him. She paled and began to spout lies. She looked like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Alex rad his voice so everyone could hear. "It is over Amanda; I don't want what the entire school has had already." He waked away to the doors and I knew he would wait for me in the parking lot.

Amanda looked pissed and a little hurt. I felt no sympathy, I turned to Jake and let out a laugh. "Where do you get the idea that you have the right to hurt a girl? I was coming to this stupid dance because I thought you had a heart and that you were willing to give it to me. I was wrong, I hope you enjoy the STD's you get from Amanda and any other girl you've been with while you were here."

I stepped closer to him and slapped him, hard. My hand hurt and I was a red mark on his cheek. With that done I made my way to the car and Alex took me to McDonalds.


Tonight might not have gone as planned but it ended wonderfully. Once we got home we ate, took separate showers and then watched movies in PJ's. I was curled up into his chest with Spook sleeping on the other side of the couch. I looked at Alex to see him staring at me. I smiled and leaned in.

He leaned in and I followed. His lips brushed mine when Spook popped up and began to hiss at him. I laughed and pulled back, Alex laughed as well and we went back to watching the movie. I fell asleep in his arms with my kitten curled up on my lap.

Today has been a very good day.

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