"Would you feel better if I lied?" (Dylan)

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Warning super super smutty **

We had just got let out of school and on the last day was the worst day for me. My boyfriend of 6 months decided that it was time for a break. He only said it was time for a break because I caught him out cheating on me. But the sad thing is, he had been cheating on me for 5 out of the 6 months we were dating.

You would think that I would be hurt, I would be crying and blaming myself. No, to be honest I didn't really care. He was always a douche to me. I payed for everything and I did everything for him. I'm glad it's over. I'm not happy and I'm not sad, I'm just emotionless right now.

I've been spending most of the days in bed. Watching Netflix and eating my "sorrows" away. Actually I find joy and satisfaction in doing this.

My brother should be out with his best friend at the moment, I might take this opportunity to have a shower.

The warm water soothes my tired body. I seem to absorb the energy of the warm water and it sedates me inner body.

I get out of the shower reaching for a towel but soon realising I forgot to grab one, "shit."

What do I do? Nobody is home I can just sprint to the cupboard and grab one. Meh who cares right.

I open the bathroom door and pop my head in the crack looking both ways just to make sure nobody is there. I build up all the courage that's left in me and I bolt from the bathroom down the hall and straight to the cupboard. Within a couple of seconds, the towel covers my body and I let out the deep breathe that I was holding.

But then I freeze. I hear this slight tapping noise coming back from down the hall. I slowly bend back so that I can see down the hallway and my brothers best friend stands leaning on the doorway to my brothers room softly clapping.

My face was pink from embarrassment. "Y-you didn't see that did you Dylan?" How embarrassing. Not only do I have this massive crush on my brothers best friend but he has now most likely seen me naked. How will I ever gave him again?

"Would you feel better if I lied?" He begins to slowly walk up to me.

I just stood there absolutely frozen, clutching tightly to my towel.

I watched as he walked right up to me until he stopped inches away from my face.

"Can I tell you a secret y/n?" He whispers. I just nod in response.

He lowers his head so that his mouth was now hovering next to my ear, "I've waited so long for you and that dickhead to break up."

"Why?" I whispered in shock.

"Because I love you y/n." Then before I could respond his lips meet mine. At first I freeze at his action but soon soften up. So many nights I've dreamed for this day, so many nights how I imagined how this would feel and its 100 times better in person.

We break apart for a breath and he lowers his head and begins kissing my neck to my collar bone.

"Dylan." I breathed out, which seemed to turn him on more. I feel his hands reach my back grabbing hold of my towel and slowly pulling it down till it drops entirely onto the floor leaving me completely exposed.

Dylan took a step back taking me all in. I could tell that I was turning him on as his bulge began to grow within his jeans.

He holds me, covering me entirely with his body, as though he were protecting me.

My hands roam his body, tugging at his shirt. He lifts it over his head and instantly throws it away. I giggle at his eagerness.

He grabs my thighs with care and lifts me up so that I sit against his hips and pushes my back to the wall.

He sucks down my collar bone and onto my bear breasts leaving little pleasure marks that will stain my skin in the morning. After every kiss on my skin I grind closer and closer to his bulge feeling him getting harder and harder with every thrust closer.

"Dylan I need you." I breathe out heavily. He looks at me and smiles. He's enjoying to make me wait, to make me suffer. But I can tell he needs me as well. The swelling of his bulge is calling for me.

"I love it when you say that." He begins to carry me over to my bedroom. I giggle at his attempts to carry me. But once we reach the my bedroom he softly lowers me with absolute care.

"My gosh you are so beautiful." He begins to undo his belt and lower his jeans.

"Dylan?" I ask, and he stops for a minute in answer, "I've always loved you too."

This then made him speed up 100 times faster than the speed he was going before. He lowered his boxer shorts to reveal his hard. My underwear was already soaked just by the sight of him. "Dylan please, I need you no-", and before I could finish my sentence he thrust all of him inside me, I let out a loud pleasurable scream and I scrunch the blankets in my hands. He thrust in and out a fast speed but then slows down to a meaningful speed, showing that he is not taking advantage of me but showing that he truly cares for me.

I can feel my walls start to clench inside me, "I'm about to let it go." I admit and then my walls clench around him. I can feel his load be let go of inside me. We both moan in sync and we slowly ride our highs out.

He falls next to me absolutely breathless, wrapping the blankets around each other.

He props himself into one elbow.
"Y/n, will you be my beautiful girlfriend?"

I softly kiss his nose, "yes yes yes!" I shout. Then he rolls on top of me cuddling me playfully as my new boyfriend.

He looks over at my clock, "oh crap, I should probably put my clothes back on. I don't think your brother would approve of me sleeping with his sister just yet." He laughs it away but we both know that my brother is over protective.

"You're right." He gets out of bed and places all of his clothes back on and begins to walk out of my bedroom.

"Ah wait, I'm forgetting something." He begins to turn around and walk back.

"What did you forget?"

Then he walks straight up to me and gives me the most passionate, loving kiss that I've ever received.

I moaned into the kiss but we were soon broken apart by the sound of the front door opening.

"Hey Dylan, I'm back from the shop!" My brother calls out.

"Bye." We both whisper to each other and he leaves me bedroom blowing me a kiss and then closing the door behind him.

I fall back on to my pillow the biggest childish face ever.

I'm couldn't be more happier.

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