Man of Mystery (Dylan)

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*inspired by the movie 'John Wick'*

It was a cold night. I was cooped up in bed until I heard a small bang somewhere in the house, sounding like the kitchen. I sat up almost instantly trying to listen very closely. I looked down to my left and saw my husband Dylan. I dared not to wake him. I knew he was very exhausted from his long work shifts and decided that I would be the brave one for once.

I slowly got out of bed and started to walk down the stairs trying not to make any sudden moments. But then I stopped. I heard the deep voices of grown men but it was too distorted for me to understand.

I leaned my head over the wall trying to grasp a look. But I only just caught a glimpse of the back of one before they entered the living room. They looked like traditional robbers, all black and ski masks.

I sneaked my way to the kitchen island bench and sat, leaning my back against it. I saw a pan lay on the ground beside me, it must have been the cause of the bang sound I heard earlier. In one quick move I took the pan and held it close to my breast as I was letting out quick short breathes, I was scared. But I need to be brave.

Then I stood up, that was a mistake. I didn't look if anyone was there before I stood up and there was a robber, standing there, holding me at gun point. I held my arms up for surrender instinctually.

"Please don't do this," I beg as my eyes became to fill with tears.

Without even a word from him, he pulled the trigger, shooting me in the arm. I tried to scream for pain but nothing came out. I dropped to the kitchen floor, holding the wound. I tensed in pain.

"Are you serious? We didn't come here to shoot people!" Another robber entered the room, yell-whispering to the guy with the gun.

"I-I'm sorry Jack , I didn't know what to do, I've never even shot anyone before... Do you reckon she'll be alright?" The gun man spoke filled with fear and remorse.

"Who cares, let's just get out of here before the cops come!"

And they all ran out of the house as quick as they could, leaving me in the kitchen bleeding out.

I was still conscious but in a lot of pain. I then remembered the phone in the living room. I've just got to crawl. With every moment was agonizing. I left a large trail of blood behind me. I was only a few more steps away before reaching the phone but I had lost so much blood I began to feel woozy. Maybe if I take a little rest I'll feel better, I thought. Then I blanked out.

Dylan's POV
I awoke, but only by alarm. That's the only thing that can get me awake nowadays with all these long night 'shifts' as I tell my wife. If she knew what I actually do at night she would leave me, that's what I dread the most.

I sat up and saw that Grace wasn't beside me, she most likely got up to make breakfast.

I stretch my arms out before walking downstairs to the kitchen. "Good morning gorge-" I was stopped in my tracks to see blood. It was smeared in a trail on the kitchen floor, it looked dragged, or maybe crawled. I was speechless.

"Grace?!" I yell, hoping I would hear her shout back in response signalling that she was okay... But no reply.

I slowly follow the trail and then that was when I saw her. I knew it was Grace almost instantly. She laid there unconscious on the floor in a pool of her own blood.

My heart sped up, I couldn't believe it. I ran to her body and took her into my arms. She was still breathing. Barely. I need to save her. I grabbed the phone which was only a reach away and called the ambulance.

Dylan O'brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now