Terrorist attack (dylan)

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"When's your holiday off filming baby?" You ask Dylan as he rubs his  eyes like a tired baby.

"Next week." He lets out a pure soft smile. You could tell he was really excited about coming home and seeing you; but you also knew how hard and long he's been working.

"I can't wait, what plane are you catching?" You ask.

"Uh I'm pretty sure M317, it's the plane at 7:00am on Thursday morning." He furrows his eyebrows as he focus' on his plane ticket.

"Okay, I'll see you then?"

"Bye baby girl, I love you." He smiles into the camera with his tired eyes.

"I love you too, byeee." You wave him off with a smile before you end the Skype call.

You let out a small sigh as you already start to miss Dylan. You stood up from the dining table and went to the kitchen. You open the pantry and peer in only to sigh again at the thought of what to eat. With surrender of having any effort to make anything you make up a bowl of 2 minute noodles.

With your finished made food you took a seat down on the sofa and turned the Tv on. The news was left on and You began to watch.

A middle aged reporter wearing a bold suit started to speak, "Breaking news... We have been told by a reliable source that there is a loose terrorist in the country. We don't know their whereabouts but make sure to be safer on streets."

You laugh a little in your throat whilst shaking your head. "That's a very... Different...outfit."

After watching a little tv you take your self to bed until your phone vibrates,

' Goodnight baby girl, counting down the hours till I feel your body hugging mine xo'

You smile at the text. He sends you nightly goodnight texts but every text is different and so unique. Tears began to fill your eyes because you were both sad and excited.

After you texted him back, you placed your phone on charge then fell asleep.

A few days later it was finally Thursday morning. You set your alarm for 7:00am because you knew that Dylan's plane ride would take almost 3 hours. Plus he would have already taken off by now. You decided to surprise him at the airport when he lands.

You groan silently as you drag your body from the nice warm bed. You take yourself down stairs and as your daily routine began, you turn the tv on and placed some toast in the toaster.

You walk back upstairs to chuck some casual black skinny jeans, a sweater and black and white converses. You walk down stairs and you notice your toast has popped.

You place it into your mouth, you grab your keys but then something on the television caught your attention.

You slowly take a seat on the couch and saw the same news reporter as the other night.

"We have terrible breaking news, we found that the loose terrorist had planned an attack. The terrorist planet a bomb this morning at the LA airport..."

I notice behind her a wreckage of what seems to be plane parts scattered behind her.

"... Okay , I have just found out that this plane was M317 departing to California."

The toast that you were slowly eating fell out of your mouth. You fell to your knees in front of the sofa and start crying. The tears didn't stop. You sat there rocking yourself back and forth. Dylan was on the plane. Dylan was on his way home to see you. You began to blame it all on yourself, thinking you were the reason this all happened even though it wasn't. W

You cried for a solid half an hour, before you had no tears left to cry. You sat there with your back leaning against the sofa just staring at the blank wall. You ran memories through your head of Dylan.

When you guys first met at cafe. You ran into an old high school bully and they continued to be rude and mean, but Dylan appeared and stood up for you and through your eyes he sparkled like he was an angel sent for you.... Now... He the Angel he is went back to his heaven.

You can't believe you just lost the love of your life.

Small sounds erupted your house like a little cling of metal against metal, then sounds of squeaks followed behind. The noise frustrated you. You stood up with your blood shot eyes and mascara covered face to see where the noise came from. 

You turned the corner and the noise came from the front door. The door was opened and you distinctly remember having it locked.

With furrowed eyebrows and sore eyes you walk outside. That's when you saw it. The ghost. Dylan stood there in front of a yellow cab handing him a few dollars.

"Dylan?!" You question.

Then he suddenly turns around at the sound of his name and instantly smiles.

"Baby girl!" He calls out and began to walk up the drive way. Every step he came closer the more his smile began to fade and the more of the tears began to fill your eyes. You stood there in shock.

"Baby oh baby what's wrong?" He asks as he engulfs you in a warming hug.

"I-i thought you died?!" You saw between sobs.

"What do you mean you thought I died?" He laughs a little at the end.

"It was on the n-news... She she said that the um plane M317 had a bomb and exploded." He continued to sob at the thought he could have died.

"Aw sh sh," he says as he sways you.

You softly push out of his hold with a confused expression on your face as two and two adds up in your mind.

"How come your here if... Your plane exploded?"

"I was too desperate to see you so I booked an earlier flight and left last night."

"Oh Dylan." You kiss his check and hug him tightly not wanting to ever loose him again.

"You look so tired... Let me give you a piggy back!" He insisted and hoisted you onto his back.

He carries you and his suitcase with his hidden strength into the house. Dropping his suitcase then closing the door with his free hand. You had your head softly resting against his back with an unconsciously smile.

He carefully piggy backs you up the stairs and into the bedroom you both share. He so gently placed you in the bed before he follows in after wards.

As the gentle man he is, he takes your shoes off your feet and places you under the covers of the bed. You turn over and face him. He searches your face with his eyes before he leans in and kisses the top of your nose, "you're so cute when you worry." He softly spoke.

"I just don't want to loose my angel," You whisper while closing your yes.

"Aw my baby girl!" He pulls you in tighter whist placing hand up your jumper holding the mould of your back.

He rests his chin above your head before you fall asleep in his hold.

He is your angel and you are his baby girl. No damn terrorist can separate your love.

A/n ..
I want Dylan to call me baby girl :((

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