Polaroid pic (dylan)

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A/N: (Should I keep putting up cute pics of Dylan??) 

"Happy birthday y/n!!" My mum surprisingly greets me as I walk down the stairs with tired eyes. It was my 11 birthday that day and I will never forget it.

She opens her arms wide at the bottom of the stairs. I open my tired eyes and replaced it with an expression of excitement. I close the space between us by running down the stairs and collapsing in her arms. I loved the feeling of hugging her. I don't really hug my mum much any more, she's at work everyday and comes home late at night. My nan was always there to look after me but my mums hugs are replaceable.

"Look what I got you honey! I saved up for a few months now to buy you this," she pulls out an average sized box wrapped in traditional wrapping paper and a big red bow on top.

I still remember my face hurting that day from smiling so hard opening my present. My mum had gotten me a brand new Polaroid camera. She knew I loved taking photos, even at a young age I was fascinated.

"THANKS MUM!!" I shouted and hugged her back even harder.

"Honey..." She says with a sad tone, making me slowly turn to face her.

"Please forgive me... I have to work today," I could tell that she was purely sad about leaving me, I understood though. I knew she loved me.

A tear rolled down my cheek and hers became watery as she saw it drop off my chin. "Mummy, it's okay." I let out a proud smile, then finishing with, "I love you." Her smile rose larger as her tears began to fall, you could tell she was happy and proud.

Mum left for work, leaving me with nan. My nan was old, she sleeps 25 hours a day, I know that's impossible but she does.

I sat on the last step of the stairs admiring my new camera. I let out a deep sigh before deciding that I need to go for a walk.

After getting changed I left the house and headed up the road to the park. I held my camera in my right hand tightly, not wanting to let go. I thought that the camera was my way of thinking that mum was there with me, spending time with me.

I sat at the skate park by myself, I watched as boys skated back and forth on the ramps. But then one boy showed up. He wore shin pads and elbow pads. He waved to his friends and his smile caused small dimples show up on the sides of his cheek.

I smiled. Why did I smile? I have no idea. But his smile caused my problems to go away.

I lifted my camera and looked into the lens, focused on his smile and took the picture. That one perfect picture.

I went home that afternoon smiling, happy. I had no friends on that day, my mum wasn't there that day, but I had my camera and that one picture.

As I grew up I held that image close to my heart. Going through bullying, I looked at the image and smiled. I sometimes sat in my room and wandered what that boy is doing right now and how he must look.

I am an adult now. I meet a new man, fell in love and married him. His beautiful brown hair and hazel eyes make my heart skip a beat and the way his little miles are scattered across his face has me left staring.

"Y/n?" He yells from the bedroom.

"Yeah, Dylan?" I asked as I approach the bedroom.

"I found this old box in the cupboard." He looks at me with a quirked eyebrow.

"Aww that's my childhood memories box." I smile to him as he begins to open the box.

I walk over to the box and what laid on top of the pile was the photo of my childhood love. I picked it up and examined it once again smiling.

"Hey, how did you get that photo of me?" Dylan asks.

"Huh, what photo?" I ask looking at him confused.

"That one, that's me." He points at the photo I was holding.

I ended up marring the true love of my life.

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