Samantha, my names samantha (Thomas)

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I came up in a shiny metallic box. I was completely incoherent. Then the doors of the box open and I was surrounded by a pile of overlapping boys wanting all to peep at the only girl that's in the glade. All gasping and murmuring with shock.

I felt exposed, my stomach churned from all the attention I was getting. My brain hadn't yet comprehended what was happening, how I got there, why was I there? All I was thinking was, I think I'm going to barf.

Then suddenly all the boys volunteered to pull me out of the box by offering me their hands. I took one, any one.

But once I got up out of the box, I ran. I ran to the closest tree and that was where I inevitably barfed. I wiped my mouth with the worn down, brown cotton sleeve that I was wearing. I looked down and I saw bread. When did I eat bread? I only just got here.

"How ya feeling Greenie?" A dark brown boy pats me on my back. I nod in response with a weak smile.

He offers his hand for a generous hand shake, "I'm Alby."

I accept his firm handshake, "nice to meet you Alby, I'm... I'"

"It's okay, your name will come back to you in a couple of days, that's the only thing they let us keep." He says calmly.

"They?" My mind began to fill with questions.

"Yeah, the people that put us here."

"Who are they?" I ask but he shushed me before I could finish my sentence.

"I'll show you where you will sleep and tomorrow we will give you the tour of glade and I will try to answer your questions best I can." He lifts his hand to show me which direction to go.

"But-" I retort before he interrupts, "uh uh all in good time." I nod my head and follow him to a room that holds sheets hanging from the walls, hammocks? I think they are.

By the time we reached the sleeping area the sun had already set. He showed me  my bed and I was placed next to a small chubby kid.


"Hey, I'm chuck." His face was sweet and appeared young, 14?

"I don't know my name." I look down at the ground as though I was the only one who was deprived from having a name.

Then a boy who appears to be laying in a bed on the other side of chucks sits up and spoke, "that's okay, I had to get a knock on the head to remember my name." He sweetly smiled. His face was handsome, smooth but slowly began to look stubbly, 17, 18? His hair was a dark brown and messy from the humidity and a nice soothing brown eyes. "Ignore him, that's Thomas, he's weird." Chuck said rolling his eyes.

I sweetly smile to his comment before I I laid back down into my new handmade bed. Before falling asleep to the soft snores of the other gladers.

After sleeping for a few minutes, I had an epiphany, visions spread across my closed eyes. I saw tanks of water, technology in every nook and cranny but ended with a middle aged lady with sandy blonde hair sitting in what appears a Star Trek commander chair saying words that sound so familiar, "wicked is good Samantha."

That was when I awoke. I shot up gasping for air.

"What is it greenie?" A tired alby spoke with a raspy voice.

"Samantha, my name is Samantha."I smile to my self for being able to be like the others of having a name.

"Good on ya Greenie, now can you please go back to sleep?" He turned over his side pulling the sheets over his head cancelling out any sound or light.

Dylan O'brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now