That stupid phone (stuart)

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We lost another challenge to that stupid team of stuck ups. So I called for an important team meeting at Google head quarters.

I came in last and everyone had already taken their seats, "okay so..." But then I look to my left and see Stuart on his phone. Again. "Come on man!" I say disappointed towards Stuart.

Stuart just let out a sigh before putting his phone back into his pocket. "Thankyou."

"Alright so as I was saying." Then I look back at Stuart and he is on his phone again.


"Okay, okay." Stuart finally surrenders and drops his phone on the side table.

"Okay so we need to find a way to win the game of ."

*buzz buzz*... *buzz buzz*

"If you don't turn that phone off I'm gonna shove it so far up your a-!"

"BILLY!!" Luckily Neha stopped me.

I took a deep breathe, "I'm sorry for that little outburst, please keep that phone quiet."

"Mmhmm," I clear my throat, "ah screw it, just go out there this afternoon and beat the crap out of them."

"YEA!" The whole team cheers.

Later that afternoon...
"Do you guys remember what I said earlier?" I ask the team as we were all huddled together.

"Beat the crap out of them?" Yo-Yo asks.

"Yeah that's good enough," I shrug and we run on to the field.

The ball was thrown to me and as my old footballing self, I did what I knew and tackled anyone that was in front of me. The whistle blew from the ref and I was left in a state of confusion.

"OFF THE FIELD!" The ref yelled.

With anger I left the field and sat on the bench. *buzz buzz*

"That stupid phone! I swear I'm gonna..." I start looking for Stuart's phone and I found it in one of his coat pockets.

3 new messages from Y/N Y/L/N ❤️

"Y/n Y/l/n, hmm where have I heard that name from before?" That was when I realised she was from the enemies team.

"Stuart you little shit..." I say to myself.


The ref blew the whistle indicating half time and everyone came back over to the bench. I watched Stuart with  narrowed eyes as he took a sip from his water bottle.

"Stuart?" I ask grabbing his attention, "mmhmm?," he says with a mouth full of water.

"Who is y/n Y/l/n?" He instantly froze, his eyes bulged and you could even hear him slowly swallow that mouth full of water.

"How did you know?" He asks with a shaky voice.

"I saw your phone," I held his phone up in front of his face as evidence.

"Okay fine, I'm sorry. I saw her at the orientation day and she was just so beautiful. Then one day I saw her sitting in one of those, you know egg chairs in the lobby and I went up to her and got her number... Billy, I know she's on another team but I love her. No matter what you say I won't stop loving her." He rambles on a little from nervousness.

Before I could say anything, a girl comes running over calling for Stuart's name. She approaches us, "hi I'm y/n."

"Yeah... I know who you are," her smile slowly drops and then adverts her attention back to Stuart.

"Stuart, I can't do this anymore, I can't be with someone on another team-"

"What do you mean?!" Stuart interrupts as he begins to freak out.

"Shh let me finish."

"- I can't be with someone on another team so I'm going to sabotage the game and let your team win. I want to be with you Stuart, I'm going to leave to be with you because I love you, so much."

"I love you too y/n." They shared a kiss between each other before she turns to talk to me, "well it was nice meeting you." Then she turns and runs back to her team, "I'll see you on the field!" She winks.

I stood up and put my arm around Stuart, "well Stuart, I approve. Text her with all your heart's content."

"You mean it?!" He asks with a large smile.

"I mean it and I won't bug you about being on your phone any more." I pat  him on his back and I began to run back on to the field.

Stuart shakes his head, "this is literally the best day ever!" He laughs to himself before he runs back onto the field for the second half of the game.

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❤️❤️❤️❤️. So much love for you all.

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