Self Hatred pt II

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In all honesty Im a really nice person. I don't body, slut, or skinshame. I honestly try my best to not judge people because that's what being #woke is all about amirite?

BUT there's this one lil child in my class who we're gonna call H.

So I've never met H before this year me being new here and all but from what I heard she was pretty dark skinned. Even at the beginning of this year she was a couple shades darker than me.

Now let me tell you, this girl had really nice skin. So nothing was more disappointing then when she showed up to school the next week a lil bit lighter and a hella lot pimple-ier.

Me: the fuck happened to H?

Friend: don't you know? She bleaches her skin now!

Its an actual thing that happens here you may have heard of it and tbh its fucking disgusting. They basically mix a bunch of chemicals together causing some sort of chemical reaction that slowly fucks with your melanin leaving you with a hypersensitive and plastic-y pathetic excuse of skin but HEY YOU'RE LIGHT SKIN NOW!!1!

Im sure over there in your first world countries y'all have a much safer and simpler process that does not include burn creams and laundry detergent but its still stupid and irrelevant as fuck.

Your skin is so fucking beautiful and your lips are beautiful, your body is beautiful.

You're so beautiful (Lucius and Cookie's sex scene just popped into my mind lmfao)

So don't be like lame ass H and throw it all away to look like a Freddy Kruger remake.

Dedasses got me zayning and shit.

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