YOUTH- Troye Sivan

514 31 10

this video has me sosososososososososo fucked up. the song was already so freaking great than this little fucker comes out with really cute video AND I'LL NEVER EVER GET OVER TROYE'S LITTLE BOOGIE THAT HE ALWAYS DOES OML. 

but wtf was he doing with that one boy...? boy, get back to connor or im snitching. 

anyways,  the video was cute and aesthetic as fuck and just before it could get any better he brings out.........




the two cutest lgbt people i've ever saw smhh

rip me y'all. im out. im dead. i just witnessed the cutest cameo to ever fucking existence in the aesthetic video everrr. smh if any of you want to throw an aesthetic tumblr party like hmu  fr. 

on the other hand, I HIT 1K VOTES AND 6K READS ILY ALL!!!!!!!

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