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Why people always on my daddy Zayn's dick????? Like its almost been a year and y'all still yapping about how he "betrayed" your trust.

Bitch listen;

1. Zayn didn't like the music he made. He.ain' So you'd rather have him trapped and making music he don't even like for your own happiness? You're such a real fan oh totally.

2. He didn't feel comfortable with the attention he was getting. I would either if I was being seen as the vain narcissist in every thirteen year old's dirty fanfic.

3. He had a fight with the management. They kept morphing his voice into something more pop-ier than his original RnB notes.

With this being said, I love One Direction. I love them so fucking much. I love them enough to want what's best for them even if its them breaking up or going on an indefinite hiatus. So for real, you need to stop being so selfish and let Zayn be the best motherfucker he was meant to be.

Gotta Nilialoharzayn!

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