Atheists/ Ex Muslims/Christians/Jews

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i dont have a problem with you.

not one bit i swear to God. Your choices will remain your choices as will your opinions. You felt the need to leave your ancestral religion ? Better you gone than closeted to be honest. No one wants to feel trapped i get that.

But some of y'alls mentality be like "Oh we don't believe in God so you can't either!1!"

like what i fail to understand is why some  of you feel the need to keep up with your old religion. Isn't leaving supposed to be all about forgetting? Why do y'all feel the need to constantly bash us Muslims/Christians/Jews. i get it, you get hate and death threats from some of us but it doesn't make you any better of a person when you constantly go around trashing our beliefs and leaders. You don't know how many times i've come across facebook comments and tweets calling us Muslim women "Masochists", "Stupid" and "Psychopaths" for remaining Muslim. Honestly you are extremely mistake if you actually fucking think Islam is built on misogyny. Sure, there are some things that may seem unfair non Muslims but we accept so why does it offend YOU so much? Like go  worry about our unequal pay, us Muslim girls are A-OK without your abrasive ass. 

Stop interpreting the Quran. same with the Bible, Torah and any other religious transcript. Leave us the fuck alone. There will always be things you will not agree with in  every single religion but do not define us by these issues. You better fucking deal or else it's just going to eat you up because your words will never affect a religion of 1.5 billion people. You chose to leave, so Van Gogh AWAY.

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