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Everyone, meet Officer Holtzclaw.

As you can see Officer Holtzclaw looks awfully distressed.

What happened to poor lil Officer Holtzclaw you may ask?

He's been charged and found guilty with the following; sexual battery, oral sodomy, and rape in the first degree.

And his victims you may ask?

More than eighteen black women.

And black women alone.

Officer Holtzclaw has been sentenced to more than two hundred years in court,

But wait for it.....

After bursting into tears like the pathetic fuck he is and hanging his head on the table like a fucking hammer Officer Holtzclaw has been labeled "emotionally unstable" and will be under suicide watch until further notice.

I call bullshit.

Officer Holtzclaw is smart.

I mean not just any person can get away with-

Oh wait lmao, they're called cops.

Anyways, Officer Holtzclaw knows that ex cops not to mention ex cop slash rapist with a fetish for black women won't last a day in prison so obviously straight jackets are the most fashionable choice??

Im actually extremely fucking upset idek what else to say.

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