Took Your Love And Wasted All Of It

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~Jayy's Pov~

I woke up to the feeling that I was being watched. I yawned and turned over, only to come face to face with Dahvie. And when I say face to face, I mean that his face was literally so close to mine that I could feel his warmth. I screamed and jumped back, hitting my head on the top of my bunk. Dahvie burst out laughing, along with the rest of the blood crew who had only heard this exchange.

Once my heart rate settled to a more comfortable pace and I made sure that my head wasn't bleeding, I pushed Dahvie away from my bunk and climbed out. A wave of dizziness overcame me and I swayed slightly. Wow, my head was spinning... Thanks Dahvie! I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I took a quick shower and got ready for the day. I slipped into a pair of black, ripped skinnies, one of my vests, and my black cowboy boots completed with my white trash and bullet belts.

I slicked my hair back and looked through my makeup. Hmmm, eye shadow or eyeliner? Or both? I'll go with both. I lined my eyes with eyeliner before applying the black eye shadow. I put in my usual blue contacts and looked at my reflection before doing the rest of my daily routine. I walked out of the bathroom and to my bunk to grab my phone, cigarettes and my lighter.

I walked out into the living room area to find everyone gorging themselves in some disgusting looking food. I'll take a pass. Dahvie looked up at me with food stuffed in his mouth and offered some to me. I scrunched my nose up and shook my head. He shrugged and went back to eating. I looked at the time. 9:31 in the morning. And our show isn't until 2 so that gives me plenty of time to wonder around the city.

I walked off of the bus and lit a cigarette, blowing the smoke out before walking. I heard people's laughter and a few mutterings but I didn't pay any mind to what they were saying. I did, however, turn my attention to the speakers. Juliet Simms and...No it can't be... Daniel? They were laughing and touching each other.

I wasn't bothered by that. Oh no. What bothered me is that I knew Juliet was with Andy. That was clear but their twitter accounts. But yet, here she was, frolicking with my ex, who had just noticed me.  I watched as a smirk grew on his face. He turned to face Juliet and planted his lips to hers. She didn't pull away though. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

I rolled my eyes. If this was Daniel's way of trying to make me somehow jealous, it wasn't working. He was the one who cheated. He was the one who took my heart and shattered it into a million pieces. So this little occurrence didn't affect me at all. However, I did feel bad for Andy. After all, he had no idea what his girlfriend was doing to him when he wasn't with her. And I couldn't help but feel kind of guilty for seeing this and not telling him.

I sighed and continued on walking, looking around for a cute little diner that would quench my hunger. After a while, I found what I was looking for. I walked in and looked for an open booth. As I walked in to find on, I was surprised to find a very exhausted looking Andy sipping at some coffee and reading what looked like a magazine. He looked up long enough to notice me looking at him. A small smile appeared on his face and he motioned me over.

I hesitated for a moment but walked over when his eyes shifted to sadness. I wonder why he was sad. I sat across from him and he handed me a menu. I nodded my thanks to him and looked it over. Once I decided on something, I set the menu down and looked up to find Andy looking at me with an expression I couldn't read.

"You okay there, Andy?" I asked.

He snapped out of it and shook his head before looking out the window. I sighed and looked out the window as well. I stiffened when I noticed the "happy couple" walking towards the diner. Should I tell him or let him find out himself? I took a deep breath.

"Andy?" I said, trying to grab his attention.

It was too late. His eyes locked firmly on them and I could see his jaw clench, as well as his fists.  Then, his expression shifted to one I would know. It was the expression you get when you've had your heart broken. I looked out the window to find Juliet all over Daniel and my guess was that she kissed him first, judging but how Andy reacted.

I looked back at him and noticed a single tear escape his eye. It made me want to reach over and wipe it away. Then, he abruptly stood and stormed out of the diner. I laid some money out that would pay for his coffee and a tip before quickly following him. I was shocked to see that he completely ignored Juliet and Daniel and watch him walking quickly back in the direction of the buses.

I sighed and turned to the couple. Daniel had a wicked smirk on his face while Juliet looked straight up ashamed. I walked over to them while glaring down at Juliet. She stared up at me, confused.

"I hope you realize the mistake you just made. I know that he gave you the world and you repay him by doing this? He deserves better than a dirty slut who will just go off and cheat on him." I growled before turning and walking away. I a way, I meant that as an attack on Daniel as well but it was mostly toward Juliet. Andy didn't deserve that. I knew that he was broken and I wanted to be the one to help him through it.

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