I'll Hold You Again, I'll Bring Light Into Those Eyes.

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"Go Faster!!"

"Shut up you impatient little fuck!!"

"Well, you won't fucking go faster!!"

"I can't go any faster!" I yelled at Jayy for the millionth time. We were currently on our way to a little dinner I had set up for the two of us for the night. You know, a little romantic evening. We've been sitting in the car for about two hours now since we got caught up in a traffic jam. And now I regret not listening to Jayy when he told me he knew of a short cut about a mile back. So now I'm stuck with Jayy complaining about sitting in the car for who knows how much longer.

I mean don't get me wrong, I don't mind being around him or stuck in a car with him but it bothers me when he's annoyed and complaining about something I can't control. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as I waited for the cars in front of me to move. I started to wonder what has these cars all backed up. I knew it couldn't be rush hour since that was about three hours ago.

I heard Jayy sigh and rest his head against the glass window of the car door. I looked over and took his hand in mine. He looked at our hands then up to my face and a smiles spread across his face. I turned the radio up a little bit so it wouldn't be too quiet in the car. Jayy picked his head up and listened to the music. Well, he didn't really listen to it. He just made all sorts of remarks to it, causing me to laugh with each new phrase. It kind of surprised me at how he could never repeat a single phrase as he went on making fun of the song.

I looked ahead of me and moved up as the cars in front moved forward. After about ten more minutes, I finally found out why there was a traffic jam. There was a three car pile up in one of the lanes and medical vehicles were all on site. Once we were past the accident, traffic started to go faster and we were on our way. Once we were at the destination, I parked the car and turned to Jayy.

"Am I going to trust you not to peek or do I have to blind fold you?" Cliche right? Oh well.

"I won't look, I promise." Jayy said.

I smiled and got out. I walked around to his side and opened his door. He got out and closed his eyes. I took his hand and led him to a huge blanket laid out on a walkway for a large pond. Multiple items of food and wine were set up on top of the blanket. I led him over, making sure he wouldn't fall into the water and stopped.

"Open your eyes." I said.

He opened them and gasped. He looked around, taking in his surroundings before he looked at me with a huge smile on his face.

"It's absolutely beautiful, Andy." He said.

"Just like you." I said.

He blushed slightly before he sat down. I sat next to him and handed him a glass. I knew he liked red wine so I poured some into his glass before I pour some for myself. He sipped it before he grabbed a plate of food. We both ate the delicious food, smiling and talking with each other the entire time. When we were done, I put everything in the basket and stood up, holding my hand out for him. Jayy looked up at me in confusion.

"I won't bite." I stated.

He chuckled and took my hand, standing up. He looked up at the sky for a moment, looking up at the full moon above up and all of the stars. I looked up as well, perhaps a little longer than I should have. All of the sudden, I felt myself fly backwards. Then I hit the surface of the water as I was pushed in. When I surfaced, I glared up at Jayy, who was laughing hysterically at me.

"Oh, you think this is funny?" I asked.

He could only nod since he was laughing so hard. I smirked and grabbed his ankles, pulling him in with me. He screamed as he fell in. He pouted and slapped my arm when he surfaced. I laughed lightly and grabbed his waist, pulling him to me. He blushed again and hid his face in my chest. I placed my hand on his cheek and lifted his head up so I could see his face.

"Don't hide your beautiful face from me." I said softly.

He blushed harder but didn't move away. I kissed him softly, keeping my hand on his cheek. He kissed back immediately and pulled away, smiling like an idiot. I chuckled and kissed his cheek before getting out of the water. I helped him out and I grabbed the basket and blanket. We headed back to the car. I put the stuff in the trunk and got in. Jayy slid in beside me and I drove back to my house. Jayy told me he wanted to stay with me. We've been together for about four months now so he figured it'd be easier than driving back and forth between houses all of the time.

I pulled into the driveway and go out. Jayy got out as well and we walked into the house. We both headed up to my our room and we walked in. I kissed his cheek before walking into the closet. I took my clothes off, except my boxers, and placed them into the laundry bin before walking out. I found Jayy laying in bed in his boxers as well and walked over. I climbed in next to him and he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and wrapped mine around his waist. He rested his head on my chest and looked up at me. I kissed his forehead gently. Then I felt his breathing slow down, indicating he was asleep. I smiled and drifted off.

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