Febuary 16th

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  • Dedicated to All you beauties(:

Dear Diary,

It's been a week since I've last seen her. And she's been tweeting non-stop lately. Fangirling because she has 4/5 of One Direction and Harry Styles kissed her. She still tweets me, everyday. Asking what's wrong, how I'm doing, why I havent answered her yet, did I regret kissing her. Then she just stopped.

She's been getting hate. Lots of it, because they think that she lied about getting kissed by me. She wants me to do something about it but I cant. I just cant do anything without revealing how I feel about her. Why do people inist on hurting angels? They're here to protect us, and help us from becoming monsters. But they're disguised as us too. It's really hard to find them but when you do, you instantly know. You dont know how you know, you just know. And when I saw Justyce, I knew.

I want to ask her if she believes in love at first sight.  I want to be there for her when all of these so called 'fans' started being mean to her. I want to let her know that she is loved. I want to let her know that I'm here for her. I want her to know that she's beautiful. I want to take her for late night walks on the beach. I want to hold her hand in public and show her off to everybody. I want her to know that I love her.

But I cant. People will start the whole 'Haylor' Revolution again. They'll send hate to me, and to Justyce. I can handle it most of the time, but I dont want her getting hurt. She's already hurting because of me, I dont want to hurt her anymore. That's why I cant follow her. I shouldnt have kissed her. This is how it started. She cant love me, I shouldnt love her. If she loves me, then she might just end up like--woah, snap out of it Harold. I thought to myself. Dont wanna go down memory lane.

 The boys are really worried about me, I havent been eating alot, or sleeping. According to them I need to come out with my feelings and tell her how I feel. "Just tell her, then we'll see how it goes from there." Liam said.

"What am I supposed to tell her? 'Hey I stalk your twitter and I think I'm in love with you and I barely know you'? I'm not sure that would sit quite well."

"Lots of girls would love to have a international popstar stalk their twitter everyday!" Lou said. "I hope  Katy Perry is stalking my acc right now..."

"Shutup Lou! You are so selfcentered. We are trying to focus on Harry right now. He's depressed."

"I am not depressed!' I countered.

My phone buzzed and I checked it, from twitter. Just peachy. I wonder who tweeted? I opened the message and of course, it's her. The text said, '@hazzaspussay: i always mess things up. the one chance i had, there i go again. fucking things up. i'm sorry @Harry_Styles'

That took me over the edge. I started full out crying. I didnt care if the boys saw me anymore, she thought it was her fault. It wasnt, it was completely my fault. I needed to fix this, and now. I know what these fans have pressured other fans that dont like the same thing to do. I decided to tweet her back, but from my personal account.

I tweeted: @hazzaspussay no, it's not your fault, i'm sorry. i really need to talk to you. and by the way, your cheek is an awesome kisser. c;

My mentions blew up instantly some were supportive and some were downright mean. One that stook out was '@bcharryhasnt: @Harry_Styles @hazzaspussay that hoe? you could do so much better, you should be with me instead of that fugly whore.'

That was just terrible. The boys asked me what's wrong I showed them the tweet. I knew that my precious angel was getting hate right at this moment and I only had two choices. And I already knew which one I was going to go through with. I was going to go see her and clear this all up once and for all.

Wish me luck,


Harry Styles


OMG what's harry gonna do now?! what do you think? comment please! 

and if you like these could you share them? like show your cat or something. lol jk. like share them on FB, twitter, tumblr, youtube, instagram whatever you chillins do. 

btw thanks for the support and ily guies. i woulda stopped making this if you guies didnt llike it so much.


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