March 18th (2 days until her birthday)

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A.N. Due to my fear of odd numbers the update after this one will be the last of this story. Thanks for reading guies!

Dear Diary,

 Just the other day Niall told me that he loved Justyce. How could he do that to me?! He knows my plan about asking her out on her birthday, which is in TWO DAYS. And he decides to tell me NOW?! Honestly I dont know what to do, I havent been talking to him for the past two days, since he's told me. And I cant keep Justyce away from him, they're practically brother and sister. They are inseparable. 

No matter how much I want to keep them apart, I cant. That'll ruin me and Justyce and I already think it's on the edge from jumping off of a cliff. And she's been noticing me and Niall's silent feud. "What's going on between you two?" She asked me. 


"Dont act stupid. You and Niall, you havent been talking to eachother." 

"I have a damn good reason not to talk to that prick." I said.

"Dont call him that!" she yelled. "He's not a prick, and neither are you, but you both are acting like one!" she said. Then she walked away. It's all his fault that I'm losing my angel. I've worked so hard to actually get her and I'm losing her so easily. 

I decided that it was time to talk to Niall. I knew he left to go do some shopping so I just called him on my phone. "Hello?" He asked when he answered.

"Niall? We need to talk."

"No dip sherlock. But too bad, I dont want to talk to you. I have to figure out how I'm going to ask Justyce out on her birthday." he spat.

I didnt even say anything back. I was too surpised at what he said. He knew that I was going to ask her out on stage at our concert and now he wants to do the same thing? Well I have an advantage that he doesnt, she actually likes me as a boyfriend. 

I was sitting at the table when Niall's head poked through the door. "Is Justyce in here?" he asked.

"Why? So you can steal my girlfriend?" I asked.

"She's not your girlfriend, and she wont be. She's going to be mine." I flipped him the finger and he took it as 'Justyce isnt here come in'. Because if she was here she would've yelled at us both. He came in with a bouqet of roses, her favorite flower, and her middle name. And in the other hand he had a gigantic teddy bear that said 'I Love You'. He set them on my bunk knowing that she slep there with me and placed a note on the bear. Then he left. 

 A thought popped up in my mind and I didnt think I should do what I was thinking. 

C'mon Harry, just write a note saying that it's from you and burn Niall's note. the voice said.

I couldnt do that. The burning of Niall's note, maybe, but he would know that I did it. And without thinking I searched through Zayn's bunk knowing he kept a lighter with him and took the note outside along with the lighter. I put some leaves and sticks in a pile over the note and set fire to it. 

I didnt even stay to watch it burn. I left to put Zayn's lighter back. When I got onto the tour bus everyone was back and Justyce came running up to me. "Thank you so much Harry!" she yelled. 

 "For what?" I asked confused. Then I remembered the roses and the bear. "Oh that. No problem. Only for the most beautiful girl in the world." I said.

Niall loooked furious. If looks could kill then I would be dead. "I'm going to bed." he stated. Then left hastily. Justyce looked at him in confusion then looked back at me. She kissed my cheek and then went to check on Niall. 

I feel terrible for what I did, but he should really back off because Justyce was mine first. I loved her first and now he tries to come in and steal her away from me. I climbed into my bunk and just curled into a ball. My best friend hates me, and when Justyce finds out that Niall really bought her those things, she'll hate me too.

I just cant wait until her birthday so I can get this over with once and for all.


Harry Styles.


 omg. niall. harry. justyce. cant breathe right now. someone get me my inhaler.


i regret to inform you that the next update wil be the last.

but i am glad to tell you that after that the sequel starts!!!

i forreal started this fanfic only 5 days ago and i have 1k+ reads, 80+ votes and 70+ comments. thanks so much. 

ily guies. 


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