March 13th (one week until her birthday)

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Dear Diary,

I know, it's been a week. But I've been very busy with rehersals and everything. Tomorrow is our first show back from break. This past week I havent been able to see Justyce alot. The only time I really got to see her is during dinner and when we went to bed. Even when we've been coming back to the bus late from rehersals I find Justyce in my bunk in a pair of my boxers and one of my white tees. 

Her and Chey have been going out with Gemma alot while we're gone. And when Gemma has to go to a modeling shoot she either brings Justyce with her or brings her to the warehouse to watch us practice. When Justyce goes with Gemma Chey ususally comes with Liam. They've been unseperable, just like me and my angel. 

Tonight I got home around 10pm. I found Justyce curled up in a ball on the couch with Chey watching 'The Hunger Games'. Justyce was fast asleep while Chey was awake. "You should go to sleep Chey. Tomorrow is a big day." I said. 

She yawned and agreed. "What about her?" she asked nodding to Justyce.

"Don't worry, I got her." I said. I carefully picked up my sleeping angel and she instinctively put her arms around my neck and snuggled with my chest. I set her on our bunk, thats what I was calling it now. Its not just mine anymore, it's hers too. Then after she was in, I climbed in after her. She turned to face me and did something I wish we could do every night, but in our own apartment, not just on the tour bus. 

She kissed me. Straight on the lips, no hesitation at all. She put her arms around my neck and tangled her fingers in my hair. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her as close to me as she could get. My hands wandered up her shirt and I rubbed her smooth back. My hands went as high as her bra clasp. But I stopped there not wanting to push it too far. 

"I want you," I breathed.

"You can have me." she said.

"But what about the boys, they're here." I said. I regretted it right after I said it. I wanted her so bad, I almost couldnt bear the pain of not having her anymore. Her birthday better hurry up soon becasue I know what she's getting on her birthday. 

"Maybe another day" she whispered on my neck. She placed her sweet angel kisses all over my neck and cheeks. She kept planting them until her lips found mine. Her lips moulded perfectly with mine, as if they were meant to kiss eachother. She put her head on my chest and we layed there like that all night long. We fell asleep with her on my chest as it rise and fell and me protecting her with my arms around her from anything that might want to harm her. 


Everyone woke up to the tour bus' alarm that was set last night. We had to wake up at 10 am so we could get to the stadium and go through our concert routine. Practice the concert for 4 hours. Then go to wardrobe and choose what we want to wear. Practice dancing onstage with our outfits on. Hair, makeup, and beauty. Then showtime.

The girls sat in the front row and watched us practice the concert. About halfway through they left to wardrobe to choose our outfits. When we got back there I laughed at the shirt that Perrie chose for Zayn to wear. It said 'I LOVE LITTLE MIX' on it. He put it on and said "Thanks babe. I think everyone's gonna love it." He is so good to her. They are perfect together. 

I looked at what Justyce picked out for me and it made me chuckle. She had a pink Justin Bieber t-shirt and dark skinny jeans with my usual converse."What's so funny Hazzyboo?" She teased. "Dont want to show off your beiber fever.?" 

"I'll wear it!" Niall offered.

"Yeah, Niall can wear it. I'll stick to a plain t-shirt." I said.

"I know you would Niall. That's why I got you one to match Harry's!"

I groaned and took the shirt reluctantly. The fans are so going to love this. "Thanks Justyce!" Niall hugged her. I cleared my throat when they stayed in a hug for a bit too long. Niall backed up and I kissed her on her forehead. "Thanks babe." I said.

"No problem. Now lets see how you two look in your fan merch!"

Me and Niall went to the changing rooms and put on the clothes. I looked ridiculous. But it would be really funny to see the fans' reactions. So I kept it. Plus my most favorite girl in the world chose it for me. And I dont want to hurt her feelings by not wearing it. 

I came out of the dressing room and everyone cheered. Justyce came up to me and pecked me on the lips. "You look great Harry." she said. I smiled and hugged her. "Now go strut your stuff you two sexy boys" She said to me and Niall.

We went on stage and sang 'Loved You First'. Management was happy and let us get ready for the concert. I couldnt help but notice that Niall got a bit emotional in that song. And he kept looking at Justyce. I brushed it off figureing that it was nothing major. 

When we were all ready to go we stood under the stage on our lifts waiting to be lifted onto the stage. When we started to rise onstage everyone started screaming. This is the best job ever.

I cant wait until I can go to bed tonight. 


Harry Styles.


teehee. more sexual senes are gonna be in the seqel... 

i love playing with your feels. 


on the side is the cover for Don't Let Me Go.

as i was writing this i had hannah montana playing. she is so hawt. but not miley cyrus. she's a butt. lol. jkjkjk

cant wait to mess with your feels in the next book.

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