March 20th (Her Birthday)

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Dear Diary,

 Today's the day. It's Justyce's birthday. She's not officially 19 until 9 am, but it's 7 right now so two hours. She didnt come sleep with me in my bunk last night. She slept in Niall's. I wanted to scream and yell at Niall, but it was her birthday and I didnt want to stress her out on her birthday. When all of the boys were awake we made a stack of birthday pancakes for her and put nineteen candles in it. 

Zayn woke her up and brought her to the table. She gasped when she saw it. "Aww, you guys remembered. Thank you so much." she started crying. Niall and I started moving towards her but he stopped in midstep. I went up to her and hugged her. 

"Happy birthday love." I said. 

She pecked me on the cheek and said, "Thanks Hazzy." I smiled as she walked back over to Niall. She kissed his cheek too, but her lips lingered on his cheek. I'm not really the one to be jealous, but I was very jealous. I cleared my throat and pulled out a small box from my pocket. "What's that?" she asked.

"I wanted to get you something, but I didnt know what to buy. And Gemma thought you might like this." I handed her the box. She opened it and her eyes lit up. "Do you like it?" I asked hopefully.

"Harry, you shouldnt have bought this. It must've been expensive." She said. She pulled out the silver necklace that was in the box and held it up for everyone to see. They gasped when they saw it. "Forever and Always" she read out. That's what was engraved on the heart. "Thank you so much Harry, I love it." she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. 

"Do you need help putting it on?" I asked. She nodded and held her hair up so I could put it on her. I clasped the silver necklace around her neck and turned her around. I wanted to see how it looked on her. The heart pendant fell right in the vally between her breasts.

She went up to Chey and said "Like it?" Chey nodded. Niall glared at me, but this time it was his turn to be jealous. "We should get headed to the stadium so we can get ready for the concert." Justyce suggested noticing the tension in the room.

"I agree with birthday girl" Liam, Louis, and Zayn said.

We got ready and drove to the stadium to get ready. There were already fans waiting there. We decided to walk through the line and say hi to everyone. A few fans remembered that it was Justyce's birthday and gave her some birthday wishes. She smiled and said thanks, and even took pictures with a few fans. Gosh, I love her so much. She is the nicest person ever.

When we finally got to the stadium doors we were greeted by management. "Hello boys, Justyce, Chey. Tonight is very special, the movie producers are here to watch you preform and see if they want to spend their money on you guys. So we have picked out outfits for you to wear, and we want no shinanagins on stage tonight." 

I groaned, knowing that all of us were just going to rebel and do what we usually do. The producers would like it if we were ourselves. Not some primped up boyband that did what they were told. "I'm sure that they would like us much better if we were ourselves" I said.

"You're right Harry. I want to help produce a movie where the band doesnt act like primped up goodie goodies." Someone said. We all turned around and saw Kim Kardashian. She had a crush on me, but to be honest, she wasnt my type. 

"Hey Kim." I said. 

"I want them to wear what they want to wear and act the way they usually do on stage." Kim demanded management.

"Whatever you say Miss. Kardashian." they gave in. Finally! Someone other than management got their way. For once, I was actually glad that I was going to be working with Kim. Management walked away and we went to dressing rooms. 

"Thanks Kim, I owe you one." I said before leaving her. I had Justyce pick out an outfit for me tonight but I said strictly No Justin Bieber. She picked out a plain white tee shirt and some black skinnys. But for shoes she chose bright pink neon hightops. "No way. I'm not wearing those."

"Please Hazzyboo. It's my birthday." she said with a puppy dog face. I couldnt say no, I wanted to make her happy today and make sure that Niall didnt get what he wanted. I walked over to her and said "Happy Birthday beautiful" against her neck. I knew it sent shivers down her spine becasue I felt her shiver. 

"You already said that silly." She sait.

I pulled out my phone and opened the twitter app. I tweeted; Happy Birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world @hazzaspussay. I love you.

"Check your twitter." I said with a smirk. 

"What did you do Harry?" She asked. 

"Just check it."

She pulled out her phone and went through her mentions. I stood over her shoulder and watched. Everyone was tweeting her saying Happy Birthday. Then she found my tweet. She retweeted and favorited it. "Dont look." she said. After a few seconds I felt my phone vibrate signaling a new tweet from her. 

I opened the tweet and it said: @hazzaspussay: @Harry_Styles i love you too hazzypoooh!

Great, now the fans know my nickname. "Thanks, now everyone is gonna call me hazzypooh." I groaned.

"You're welcome." she smiled. She looked at the clock and it read 6:30. "Oh gosh Harry! Go get ready to go on stage!" 

I practically ran to my mini lift and got my microphone and earplugs from Paul. He gave me a thumbs up as I started to rise. The crowd went wild when we came on stage. "Hey guys! There's this girl, that I really like. If you folllow me, then you'll see her twitter name mentioned in my last tweet. I've liked her for a while now, and today's her birthday. I just want to bring her on stage so we can sing 'Happy Birthday' and so I can ask her something. You guys with me?" I asked.

They screamed. I took that as a yes. "Justyce, will you please come on stage?" I asked through the microphone. She slowly came on stage and waved to the crowd. They screamed even louder. "On three lets sing." I said. "1, 2, 3!" They all started to scream the happy birthday song at the top of their lungs while the boys and I sang through the microphones.

"We love you Justyce!" They boys said.

"Now, what did you have to ask me?" She asked. 

I got down on my knees and said, "Justyce, I really like you, no I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" The crowd screamed as I asked her. She started to cry. "Please dont cry." I begged.

"SAY YES!" the crowd was cheering.

"I-I'm sorry Harry." she said as she ran off stage. What did she mean? I couldnt run after her now, but right as the concert ended I would. She would be mine, no matter how hard I have to try.


Harry Styles


LE END. omg. im crying. why did justyce just run off stage? huh? huh? idk....

THE SEQUEL WILL BE POSTED SOON. like in 5 minutes or something. depends on when you read this. lol.


I LOVE YOU GUYS. within 5 days I got 1k+ reads. 100+ votes. and 70+ comments. you guys are the bomb that north korea didnt drop. lol.


stay classy.

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