March 4th (16 days until her birthday)

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Dear Diary,

 Justyce's birthday is coming up and I really wanna do something special for her. Other than taking her on stage during the concert and asking her out in front of thousands of people. I want to make it a night that she will remember forever and tell her children, and grandchildren about. 

The hate from all the fans has been starting to die down, they now understand how much she means to me and are really starting to support us. They made us a ship name, Jarry. On my twitter TL all I see is "Did you see the new Jarry pics?" "Omg they're so cute together" "Jarry isnt real. Larry is." its amusing actually.

The boys really do adore her, she became apart of the family faster than I thought. Yesterday we all went to the mall and bought her and Chey some clothes for the tour. "I really dont need all of this," Justyce complained. "You really dont have to buy me anything, I can get a job and pay for it myself."

"No, I dont want you to pay, I really want to buy you everything and anything you want." I said.

"What if I said that I wanted Mars?" she asked with a smirk.

"Then I would find a way to give it to you."

She stood on her tippie toes and kissed my cheek. "You're the best Harry." she said. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close to my side. Even though we arent technically dating, we sure act like it. "Ice cream?" She asked. She put on her puppy dog face knowing that I was going to give in to it. I always do. 

Niall joined her and said, "Pwease Hazzy?" in a little boy voice. 

I sighed and said "Oh, fine. Let's go." They cheered and we went to the Dairy Queen in the mall. The cashieer freaked when she saw us. 

"You're Justyce, Harry Styles' girlfriend! And Niall Horan! And Harry Styles!" she yelled.  I love the bit when she called Justyce my girlfriend.

"Actually I'm not his girlfriend. We're just really good friends." She corrected.

"Yeah, friends with benifits." Niall schoffed. "Now can we order Mrs. Styles?" he bowed to Justyce. 

She lightly pushed him and he almost fell. "Can I have a medium twist cone please?" she asked. 

"I want a large snicker flurry please." Niall added.

"I'll have the same as her." I said pointing to Justyce.

I started to pull out my wallet so I could pay but the manager came up to us and said it was on the house if she could get our autographs and a picture with us all. I couldnt say no because I dont want to upset a fan. But get this, she wanted a picture and autograph from Justyce too. Guess she's getting pretty famous isnt she? 

Maybe I could help her go into acting, or even singing. Boy, that girl can sing. She doesnt know that when she's in the shower the boys and I lean against the bathroom door just to listen to her sing. How much more perfect could she get? She's everything to me. 

"Thank you guys so much. My friends are going to be so jealous. By the way, Harry and Niall, I cant wait to see you on March 20th! I'm comming to your concert."

"Nice! What's your name so we can give you a shoutout?" Niall asked. She told us her name and Niall put it in his phone for a reminder. "Nice meeting you! We gotta go now but see you soon!"

 As we were walking back to my Cadillac Justyce asked us, "Wanna know what else is on March 20th?" 

"What?" Niall asked.

"My birthday. I'm going to be 19." she said smiling. 

"You are 18 and you still live in a foster home?" I asked. She had already told the rest of the boys and Chey so it's alright of me to bring it up.

"They let me stay because I had no where else to go, plus the kids loved me."

Oh, I feel really bad for her, she doesnt know her parents, and she's been in foster homes her whole life. And she still came out the most sweetest person ever.


"Justyce could you help me out? I'm a terrible cook." Chey called from the kitchen. They wanted to try to make dinner for us for our last night in the hotel. We're having pizza rolls and jell-o. Sounds delicious. 

"All you have to do is put them in the microwave and put the correct time in" Justyce replied.

"I burn things, no matter if I follow the instructions or not."

She sighed and went to help Chey in the kitchen. My side got cold when she got up from next to me. Even though she was gone for at the most two minutes, I missed her. When she came back she brought a huge platter filled with pizza rolls and set it on the small coffee table so everyone could reach it. "Where's the ranch?" Zayn asked.

"If you want ranch, you can go get it yourself, we made the food." Chey said.

Everyone execpt for Zayn laughed at her joke. We all know that she didnt do anything. "Whatever miss moody." Zayn muttered. He got up and grabbed the ranch. We sat together like one big family, all we needed was Paul and our girlfriends, mums, dads sisters and brother (In Niall's case) then we would be perfect. Speaking of mums, dads and sisters, I cant wait until I can intoduce Justyce to mine. I'm sure that they'll love her just as much as I do.

We all went to bed early because we had to hit the road (more like airplane) and go to England tomorrow. 

Next stop London.


Harry Styles.


sorry bout the sucky update. its 1 in the morning and im super tired... uggghhh. but from what i hear chey (theoriginalmrsstyles) is really actually a horrible cook. she told me that she burnt pizza bagles in the *facepalm* no offence or anything. i burn soup. lol but other than that i actually can cook. 

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