9: "Truth."

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09: "Truth"


MY HANDS COVERED my mouth. I sat on the couch my leg shaking in nervousness. Jeremy released everyone from work by Justins sudden disappearances.

What was I going to do? I know da.mn well Im going to get fired. Kendall, why are you so stubborn? So hard-headed?

My Father is going to be disappointed in me. I need to look for a new job. I need to start over.

I looked at the polished wooden floor, the shininess illuminated by the lighting. My breathing was deep and slow as Im in deep thought.

"Ken, I dont blame you. Youre the one that got Parris on his line." Jo said. I looked up at her, her face neutral. She is right, I did help him but he didnt ask for my help. Im his assistant for gods sake. Well former assistant since Ill be fired soon. But I assist him! Key word, assist. I aid with help but he simply doesn't truly know the definition of the word assistant means then.

"Jo, I fu.cked up, badly." I groaned she rolled her eyes.

"its not the end of the world theres so many jobs in the world." She trying to make me feel better. "My big sister can do anything." She said grabbing my flushed cheeks squeezing them softly cooing at me. I wined annoyingly.

"Youre so immature." I laughed taking her hands off my cheeks as she stick out her tongue closing her eyes.

She opened her eyes, eyeing my pjs, "Says the one wearing Minnie Mouse pajamas." I rolled my eyes , It was around 10pM and I felt extremely exhausted and useless. I was doing nothing all day since I was dismissed. Im a workaholic I need to do something. Im so used to sleeping around 10 and waking around 6 to get ready for work. But I wonder if I will be attending work tomorrow.

I got up walking to my bedroom.


I jolted up in awareness once my cellular device started ringing.

I licked my lips cleaning up the saliva around my mouth. The rest of the saliva on my cheek I cleaned with my dark coloured duvet. I looked up at the clock revealing it was 1AM.

I picked up the phone. The bright screen causing my eyes to squint not even bothering looking at the caller ID.

"Hello? Kendall speaking."

Who could be possibly calling me at this time?

"Uhh Kendall, This is the manager of Corner Liquor on Denzell Street , could you pick up your friend.? We're about to close and hes way too drunk, he said he walked here and your the person he has frequently called. " the one man said.

Hes talking about Justin. Why in the h.ell is Justin drinking? I know Im not his mother to scold him but I thought he would drink more responsibly.

"Uh yeah sure." I said getting up rubbing my tired eyes as I yawned. "Ill be there." I hung up.
Hes seriously having a bad day because of me.

I putted on my fuzzy violet slippers rushing out my room. I grab my keys exiting out the penthouse.
I thrust the keys into the ignition the engine roaring to life. I gripped the steering wheel as I started drive.

The road were empty the busy city finally having its slumber at late nights.

My mind was spinning thinking of Justins well being.

I quickly parked on the parking lot. I exited out my car entering the bar.

Justin is sitting giggling uncontrollably. A bottle of wine in his hand he took a large sip of the wine slowly swallowing it whole, to savour the taste. He was unaware of my presences.

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