1: "Everyone Envies My D*ck."

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1: "Everyone envies my Di*k."


I tapped my fingers on the cold tempered glass table impatiently in annoyance. I couldn't believe I have to sit here. I'm bored and I have paperwork to finish in my office.

I glared at my Father. He did not notice my intense stare as he is focused on the nervous girl standing in front of us. His legs crossed as he fiddled with his black pen. He was intently listening to what she has to say, but I wasn't..

Does he know who I am?

I'm Justin F*cking Bieber, for gods sake. I'm a millionaire. I own majority of all the fashion businesses in Canada and some in the United States.

I have the money, the businesses, and the women.

And I don't need another f*cking assistant. Lacey was perfectly fine.

I smirked thinking of her.

A giggle escape her lips as I tighten my grip on Lacey's waist as we cuddle in the bed.

My honey brown eyes met her bright blue ones. She lightly smiles at me and I wink, earning a giggle from her.

Our two bodies laid naked in bed under the blankets after sex.

I ran my hands through her blonde hair.. My fingers went through her knot less hair effortlessly.

I gave her a small kiss on her forehead.

"Justin.." She says softly. She bites her lower lip, she was holding something in..

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"What are we?" She asks, I gulp..

She always asks me this question knowing I cannot answer the way she wants me to..

"Well I'm sleeping with my assistant since day 1, so you tell me." I said. Lacey is my assistant that I have been sleeping with, I didn't want our relationship to get more complicated..

"But when I wasn't your assistant, you f*cked your last one. I hope this could be more. Yeah?"

I hate it when someone wants more than sex. Like love. Love scares me. I'm 23 and I'm not ready for love just yet.

I sign. "Yeah. You are better than her anyway." She giggled.

My phone started to ring on the nightstand. I groaned, I hate being interrupted.

I turn around to face the nightstand, I grab my phone.

My Father is calling..

"Yes Father?" I groan.

"Well hello to you too." He greeted flatly.

I rolled my eyes turning around to see Lacey looking curious.

"Father." I mouthed she nodded understanding. "Hello Jeremy." I said bluntly.

"How dare you call me by my first name Justin!" He scolds.

"Sorry. Father."

"Hmm!" He still seemed displeased. "I need you to come in my office now. We need you to sign the fashion labels."

"I'm busy." I said. I didn't feel like getting dressed, I'm already home relaxing..

"Doing what? Sleeping around with Lacey? What did I told you about having sex with your assistants son?" He speculated. He is always aware of my foolish actions.

WANTING THE ASSISTANT - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now