5: "Sh.it Aint Adding Up."

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5: "Sh.it Ain't Adding up."


My grip tighten on the documents in my hands, clearly quite mad at Justin.

I bet hes staling just for me to do something.

Is this what he calls assist?

I huffed and open the door to my office leaving it open for Gina when she comes soon. I barely know this woman and Justin wants her to edit with me. Alec said shes 'nice'. Why not give her a shot.

I slam the documents on the tempered glass table groaning.

I took a seat in my chair. I started to spin my chair slowly staring at the wall.

I want Alec to hurry up on his photo shoot, hes the only fun person around here. Why is he a photographer for models? He could be a model too.

I stopped spinning, and I pulled up the screen of the laptop, turned on the laptop - which was here when I first enter my new office.

Thanks Jeremy.

I grabbed the first document and skimmed through for the name.

Justin Bieber, Newly, Summer Dresses 2016, August 21st, is printed as the title of the document.

The document is a article talking about the new dresses he has created and pictures are shown.

Why does he call them documents when there clearly articles?

Its not August 21st, its September 10th. Why havent these articles made into Bieb. Magazines yet? Why havent his magazines for this month been out yet? Subscriptions every month send these magazines. He so rich he has his own magazines line, wow.

Lacey hasnt been doing her job well. Alec was right about her slacking.

But Gina is also an editor, why havent she helped?

Maybe because Lacey gotten the articles first and never gave it to her.

Smart Ken, smart.

Im started to dislike this Lacey chick even more. I dont know what Justin sees in her.

My fingertips on the flat mouse laptop tapped on the document folder revealing documents of articles of each month fashion line.

I clicked on ' August 21st Article.' and it took me to Microsoft Word, the article laid out on Word.

I grabbed the article and started to read it for any errors. I read quietly under my breath.

'Justin Drew Bieber has done it again! New vibrant colors! The way hes done these summer dresses will want you to go to J.D.B store! - Says Naomi Cambell' He has his own store?

Of course how would! Jo gets her clothes from his fashion line.

So basically, Justin or Lacey (if she ever did) sends dresses to these much more famous fashion designers to judge his work, the things the fashion designers say about it they send it to the assistant via-email, it's reedited or put into better words then send it to the person whom prints and goes out to the public?

But the editors get the articles, read them, go to their computer and go the document of the article, edit, then send to publisher to be publish and printed?

Okay somewhat.

This is how the fashion life is like?

Dad has it easy yet hard.

WANTING THE ASSISTANT - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now