19: "No, We Cant Do This."

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19: "No, We Can't Do This."


My eyes fluttered open.

"Ugh.." I said bluntly. My mouth feels dry and my head is pounding. My hand moved to my forehead to rub, to ease the pain. It didn't help at all.

I blink once more to realizing I wasnt in my bed. I wasn't covered in my lilac colored duvets. I use both of arms to sit up, I look around the room.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake from her coma.." Justin said coming from the bathroom. He closed the bathroom door, the bathroom is connected to this room.

This must be his room..

A towel is wrapped his waist. I noticed his hair is still damp. Justin grabs another towel from his drawer. He uses the towel to dry his hair.

When did I get here..?

"I feel terrible." I groan in exhaustion. My body feels horrible. "What happened yesterday..?"

Yesterday felt like a blur to me. All I remember is going to the dinner... Then I remember... My Dad and Mom came...

"My mom and Dad came to the dinner?" I ask for a valid confirmation.

"Yes.." Justin answered. He puts the towel, that he just used, into the dirty clothes bin. "You had quite a mouth yesterday.. You got drunk and started saying things to your Mother. Calling her 'A f.ucking cheater.'"

I rolled my eyes, his tone is stern, like a parent, when he said the last part.

"Nothing new." I noted. I shrugged it off nonchalantly. I didn't care, she deserves it.

"Kendall she birthed you—"

"Justin don't try to lecture me! Especially about my mom and I relationship. Even my Father doesn't questioned it." I snapped in annoyance. I didn't want to hear it today. My head is pounding and I didn't feel like arguing at the moment.

Justin puts his hands up in defense. "Okay Ken, okay. You're right, you're not my child. How are you feeling?" He said softly coming up to me, he touches my forehead. "Your forehead is hot." He frowns in concern. "Let me get dress and make you tea in the kitchen, the tea that you made me ." He smiles. I grin, I remember the time when I made him green tea when he was wasted. Drunk Justin is crazy and at the same time funny.

I nod, he walks into his walk-in closet. "I'll meet you downstairs Kenny." He said.

He picks out a suit then exits out the room.

I sign and got up from bed. I look down to see Im wearing a shirt that is too big for me .

I bit my lip knowing this must be Justin's shirt.

I use my thumb and my index finger to touch on a tiny piece of the white shirt. I lift up the tiny piece of fabric to sniff the smell.

The shirt mixed with the scent of a citrus.

I closed my eyes to take in all of the scent, it smelt marvelous.

WANTING THE ASSISTANT - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now