After my escape, and yet another but brutal last year at the same high school, my school sent me their condolences and made sure to inform my future college of my past. I didn't bother to say goodbye to my "friends" or Preston, my ex.
The poli...
The moment Tania and I arrive back at our dorm, Tania starts picking out cute tops and dresses from her closet. On the walk here, she told me the date was only 3 hours away, so she speed walked all the way to our dorm. Let's just say that by the end of that walk, my legs were sore when I hit my bed. All the unpacking and walking was starting to put its toll on my body.
Tania throws everything she chose on my bed and tells me to start picking. I convince her that a cute top is a way to go in case they are going to do any activities, besides walking. I see a cute purple top and tell her to go try it on with some jeans. As she comes out of the bathroom, I see she looks absolutely magnificent. She comes towards me and gives me a hug.
"Glad we got the outfit part done. Now let's find you some shoes and accessories." I say with glee as I start going through my jewelry box as she goes through hers. Tania finds some gold bracelets and pairs them with a big gold necklace. That's definitely the statement piece. I give her a pair of round gold earrings and pick out some nude heels. As her outfit starts to come together, so does her excitement for the date.
A two- solid- hours pass, before Tania's finally ready to go on her date. Although she has a few minutes to spare, she goes at the risk of being late and waves me goodbye from the comfort of my bed. Now that I have nothing left to do, I grab my backpack from underneath my bed and pull out my laptop. I turn on Netflix and start watching The Babysitter.
Tania comes bursting in, right as the movie ends, so I close my laptop and put it to the side. I start getting up from my bed and notice she's rummaging through both our closets. Uhhh! The first thing that comes to mind is that she had a bad date with Lucas, and is trying to get some revenge. At the thought of her going wild, I walk up next to her and notice she doesn't look mad at all. She looks ecstatic. "Is everything okay Tania?" I ask.
Tania grabs my wrist and pulls me down to her level. Once I'm at her level, she grabs my shoulders before looking me dead in the eye and saying, "Yes. Everything was great."
She notices my puzzled expression and elaborates. "Remember how I was sitting next to Lucas during the meeting?"
I nod my head in remembrance. "Well the guy you were sitting next to is an old friend of Lucas, and he invited us to go to his Welcome to College Party! And he asked for you to specifically be there, so you have to go. He said it was something about showing you a good time or something in college. I don't remember, but you have to go."
"Uhh. No. I don't. I don't even go to parties. Never been, and parties are always better in the movies. Plus, how do you know this guy isn't a creep or something?" I say as I get up and move towards my bed.
"Oh come on Melody! We both know you want to go. Just a little part of you wants to see what it's like to go to a college party." She says ironically convincingly.
"No. You don't." I say as I sit on my bed again. "Plus, it's not like I have anything to wear," I say giving into my curiosity.
As if on cue, Tania goes back to rummaging through both our closets, until she comes to get me off my bed, a few minutes later. She literally yanks me off my bed, and drags me to the bathroom, as I try to question her. Once I'm inside, she hastily closes the door. "Go try on what I left you. They're hanging on the towel rack," she says. "I'm not letting you leave the bathroom without at least trying them on. Think of this, as me repaying you for helping me get ready for my date."
I roll my eyes at her but decide to try on the outfits she chose for me. One outfit has an extremely low V neckline. It's so low that the cut goes all the way to the top of my abdomen. Another outfit is so tight I wonder how I didn't die of asphyxiation putting it on. The last outfit isn't an outfit. It's a long-sleeved black lace dress that ends three-quarters way down my thigh. Although it shows a bit of breast, it covers most of it. I decide to go with the dress since I can actually breathe in it, and rock this look.
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I walk out of my bathroom and see Tania on her phone giggling. After I make her aware of my presence by coughing a bit, Tania's phone drops from her hand and her mouth are agape. I notice she's changed into another outfit as well.
But, before I can compliment her outfit, she jumps out of her bed and starts dragging me to her desk chair. The moment my butt makes contact with the chair, Tania starts to do my hair and makeup.
Around 15 minutes later, and she finishes. I love the way I look. She really did an amazing job enhancing my natural beauty I think as I look at myself in the mirror. After admiring my face, I grab my phone, student ID card, and my black small purse. Put on my black heels, start heading for the door and see Tania's beat me to it. As I exit our dorm, I thank her for making me feel gorgeous in this dress.
In Tania's car, Tania starts telling me all the details of her date as we drive the half-hour distance to the party. She tells me everything from the moment she got into his car, to the moment they went to have a picnic in a prairie, to the moment he gave her the nickname Nia. I know I should tell her to keep her heart sheltered this early on, but I know the moment I do, I'll just be projecting my fears onto her. For now, I won't say anything, since I can see how genuinely happy she is and how her tone goes up slightly every time she thinks of a heartfelt moment with Lucas.
But Lucas should watch out. I know Tania's happy and all right now, but people change, opinions sway, and hearts break. I will protect my roommate from a broken heart in whatever ways I can since she's my first friend. But Lucas is wrong if he thinks Tania is an easy target. She just finished telling me how she's never felt this way before, and her smile fades. Tears are threatening to escape from her eyes, but she holds them back. Never been this happy only makes it all the more dangerous for her to be involved with such a smooth talker. Right, or am I just being paranoid?