Dear Internet Diary,
I lift my head up at him, and say, "Isn't this a bit harsh?" Jace shakes his head, and says, "After what she did, I don't think it's uncalled for." Ironically, "All I Do Is Win" starts playing in the background. I look down at the ground and realise that a light is shining on us. I turn my head towards the light, and it's almost blinding. I hear tires burning, and look back up at Jace. "Where's that light coming from?" I ask, he looks over at the light, and he responds with, "Some douche's black truck."
"No. It can't be." I think and I shake my head. The truck rushes towards us, and I freeze in horror. I feel Jace push me away from him. I don't get far enough away and the truck slightly hits my side. I get flipped in the air and land on my hands. Tania and Jace shout my name in unison. One says"Melody!" while the other says, "Savannah!" I turn around, and Tania and Jace are both on me. I look at my newly scraped hands and arms and then look towards the truck that's still going away.
"I'm fine, I swear. It's just a couple of scrapes. I'll live." I say as I get up by myself. Tania and Jace offered to help me up, but I wanted to show them I was capable of getting up. I look back at the truck which has now stopped roughly 9 yards away. I stare at it for a long second, before I see it start driving in reverse. It looks like Mr. Blue's truck, and it's my intuition that pushes my friends away from me. "RUN!" I scream.
They look towards the truck before dispersing. The truck misses us, and then starts coming after Tania and I. I see Mr. Blue's face as he looks my way through his side window. I felt a chill run down my entire body. "Tania. We need to get to go." I say without taking my eyes off Mr. Blue, after he dims his headlights. The instant Tania questions me, Mr. Blue accelerates his truck towards us. I run towards her car, and she follows. I know he's playing with us, since he could very easily run us over. I separate from Tania, and he continues to go after her.
We somehow manage to meet at her car, and Lucas starts throwing rocks at the truck. One of them hits the windshield and leaves a wide crack. Jace starts shouting, "Hey douche bag! I'm over here," and Tania and I get into the car. The truck halts to a stop. I see the Mr. Blue step out, and carry an object in his hand. I see him cock the shotgun, and he starts firing at Lucas and Jace. I scream, but Tania covers my mouth.
"No Melody! They can fend for themselves," she tells me and lets my mouth go. "They've been through worse. They'll be fine." I see them hide behind a car, as the dispersing crowd run in panic. The music that was once playing is now replaced with screams of horror. "Hurry Tania," I squeal as she fumbles putting the keys into the ignition. "Please, Tania. Mr. Blue is heading this way." I say as I watch Mr. Blue walk toward us, and cocks his gun. I shake her arms, and her another shot being fired.
"Boom!" the gun goes off and I see a body drop. I look around and notice several other bodies lying on the ground. Finally, Tania inserts the key, and the engine burns to life. Lucas and Jace continue to distract Mr. Blue by shooting back at him. Who's gun? And where he got it from, I don't care? I just want to get out of here, and for my friends to be safe.
Tania drives off, as we run away from the scene. Moments later, I see we're being chased by a black truck, and assume it's Mr. Blue's. I hiss at Tania and she presses on the gas, as we go even faster passing the speed limit. Fortunately for us, I noticed what I presume to be him from very far away, and we are able to outrun him.
Moments pass and the distance has grown to that of a couple of football (soccer) fields between both vehicles. Tania calls Lucas through her car and raises the volume. He answers after the first ring. "Tania, Are you okay?! Are you alright?!" Lucas questions as soon as he answers. Tania smiles a bit, before responding. "Yes I'm fine, and so is Melody." She takes a deep breath before muttering an incomprehensible word under her breath. "We're going to need to use the safe house. We're not safe on campus, and there are plenty of rooms at his place." Tania says in a stern manner. Lucas takes a moment before replying. "You know he's not going to like this right?" "Yeah, well, we don't have much of a choice now do we? I don't think he wants his girl to die, do you?" Tania shouts at Lucas with as much sarcasm as she can muster.
Lucas exhales profoundly and says, "Fine. Get there first. The spare key is under the plant. I'll talk to Jace, before he starts yelling at you guys for being in his house." Tania thanks him, and ends the call. "I guess now isn't the time for loving or encouraging words." I think to myself and feel my body turn rigid. "He's trying to kill me, and he might just succeed. The only difference is that this time I'm not the only one he's after. He's after my friends too."
We reach a light beige coloured house and park in the driveway. I realise that this is the house that was used for the party Tania and I went to. "Isn't this the house from that party?" I ask Tania to be sure, and she nods. I walk over to the boot of the car, and then we start walking to the front of the house. I start recalling the events that went down that night and speak once more. "How can this house be safe if a party was hosted here?" Tania lifts the plant pot and grabs the key before answering my question.
"Melody. I don't know," she says as she walks to the front door without looking my way. "Why don't you just ask Jace when he gets here? It's his house. His rules." Tania hints and she opens the door. We walk in and make our way to the kitchen. I see Tania grab a water bottle from the refrigerator, and ask me if I want one. I refuse, and she closes the door. We stay there in silence until the front door opens.
Jace and Lucas enter. Both of them are covered in dirt, and blood stains. Neither one of them says a word, and neither one seems to be extremely injured. I see Tania rush over to Lucas, and hug him, while I just stay in place watching them. I feel an intense gaze coming my way and I meet Jace's eyes. I'm captured by his eyes as they express so much more emotion than I ever thought possible. I break eye contact when his emotions become overpowering and grab two bottles of water from the fridge. I hand one over to Jace without looking up, while making sure we don't brush hands.
I give the other to Lucas. he thanks me, and I nod in gratitude for his thanks. Jace remains silent. He walks past me and exits the kitchen. I look back at Tania and Lucas. "We'll talk later in the morning. For now, let's sleep. It's been a rough night." Lucas says, and I nod my head. "Where do I sleep?" I ask Lucas. He looks down at Tania and she shrugs her shoulders. "Uhh... First door to your right upstairs." Lucas says, and I head upstairs.
Too worn out by the past couple of hours, I enter the bedroom, and fall asleep the moment my body hits the mattress.
Melody N. Ravenna

Indecisive (COMPLETED)
Mystery / ThrillerAfter my escape, and yet another but brutal last year at the same high school, my school sent me their condolences and made sure to inform my future college of my past. I didn't bother to say goodbye to my "friends" or Preston, my ex. The poli...