Dear Internet Diary,
By the end of the night, Stephen asked me for my digits, and I gave them to him. Now that I'm in my dorm, ready for bed, and without Tania, Stephen texts me. I know it's him since none of my other contacts are named Goofy Face.
Hey. It's me. Stephen Scholtz. - Goofy Face
Hi lol. - Melody
I know I shouldn't do this over text, but... - Goofy Face
What? - Melody
Want to grab lunch tomorrow? :) - Goofy Face
I look at his message for a while without answering. Jace is with Jenny, Tania is with Lucas, and I'm the only one without someone. Sitting in my room, way past midnight and I can't help thinking that maybe I should give him a chance. I know I'll hate myself if I don't at least try to get to know the guy better. It's not like anyone will care.
Why don't we grab lunch after the final meeting tomorrow? - Melody
Within a matter of seconds, he replies. He agrees to meet me at the Student Center, before going off to Georgetown for lunch. Moments later, Tania barges into my room and runs up to me in my bed. "Melody! Come quick! Jace is in trouble." she says almost entirely out of breath. I jump off my bed and ask her where he is. "In his dorm. With Lucas." she breathes.
Without sparring a second thought, I run behind Tania, as we head on over to Jace's residence hall. We enter through a back door Lucas opened when he saw us, and rush to their flat on the third floor. I push open their door, and see Jace on his bed moaning in pain. His abs are on display and he's only wearing a pair of black trousers. I can see the tribal tattoo that covers his right shoulder is bleeding. I run up to him, squat down next to him, and ask what happened.
"He got shot. We were just racing..." Lucas begins to explain.
"Shut up Lucas! She doesn't need to know." Jace says in both anger and agony.
"Know what? "I question Jace.
"She'll find out eventually. Might as well tell her now." Lucas retorts.
"NO!" Jace exclaims.
Covering Jace's mouth with my hand, while keeping him down with my other, I say, "Ignore him, Lucas. Tell me what happened so I can treat this wound properly. Tania, get me the first aid kit." "Alright. Geez, Melody!" Lucas says as Tania hands me the first aid kit. I see that the bullet is a through and through, which means it won't cause more extensive damage.
Lucas tells me the story of how Tania, Jace, and he were out on the track's racing, as I put rubbing alcohol on Jace's wound. He groans loudly in pain. Jace went up against the undefeated champion and won. I pull out the sanitized needle and thread and start sewing up Jace's wound. The guy didn't take the loss too well and tried to kill Jace, but luckily he missed Jace's heart by a few inches. Luckily.
After a couple more minutes, and a lot of groans of pain and cuss words from Jace, I finish stitching him up. Tania and Lucas left the room since they didn't want to see "the gruesome sight". I put on the Large Adhesive Band-Aid Pad on both sides of his wound and tell him to rest, while I go clean my hands.
I enter his bathroom and wash my hands with his soap. His blood is stained all over both of my hands, and my eyes fill with tears. The blood starts to come off slowly, and it brings me back to the days when the only blood being spilled was my own. I whimper, but shake the thought out of my head, and scrub my hands with more force.
An arm wraps around my waist, and I drop the soap bar in surprise. I look up at the mirror and see Jace. "Shh! Just breathe. You'll hurt yourself, and I'm hurt enough for the both of us." he tells me calmly ignoring his own pain to comfort me. I chuckle slightly as I look at his reflection in the mirror. I see him bend his head down, and he kisses my temple. I close my eyes, and a tear slips out.
"What if you'd died? What would I do then?" I say unable to open my eyes, as more tears pour out. I turn around and look him in the eye.
"Shh! Don't think like that. I'm still here." Jace says as he hugs me. I hug him back and cry in his arms. "And I think you meant to say 'what would we do' not what would I do'." He tells me. I sniffle before saying, "What?"
He smiles down at me and wipes away the tears on my face. "You said 'what would I do' not 'what would we do'," he says with a smirk on his face.
"No. I didn't. I... I couldn't have. I... I didn't." I retort quickly avoiding his gaze. I look at the floor and try to think of what I said. A hand grabs my chin and tilts it upward. "Melody. It's alright," he says and I'm swallowed whole in his eyes. I get up on my tip toes, as he bends his head down. Our lips are inches apart, I close my eyes. Centimeters, he closes his. Millimeters apart, and we don't hesitate. Now his lips are on mine, and he gives me my first kiss.
Melody N. Ravenna
P.S. Although I dated Preston for 5 months, the most we ever did was hold hands and kiss each other's cheek. His parents were different back then, and so was he.
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Indecisive (COMPLETED)
Misterio / SuspensoAfter my escape, and yet another but brutal last year at the same high school, my school sent me their condolences and made sure to inform my future college of my past. I didn't bother to say goodbye to my "friends" or Preston, my ex. The poli...