After my escape, and yet another but brutal last year at the same high school, my school sent me their condolences and made sure to inform my future college of my past. I didn't bother to say goodbye to my "friends" or Preston, my ex.
The poli...
"She cheated on Jace with some blonde dude. I never even saw this coming." Danny said trying to figure out how someone like Jenny could ever do something so sinister. "Why would Jenny even need to cheat on Jace?" I ask myself. I look back at Tania and see she's just as confused as me.
"What did he look like?" I ask Danny, yet question myself as to why it even matters. "Uhh... He was like 5'8 like average built looking dude," he says. My features loosen and I instantly think back to Preston. "Did he have cropped blonde hair?" I say while motioning over my head to demonstrate how short Preston's hair is. "Yeah. Something like that." Danny responds, and I quickly turn to Tania.
"We need to find Jace. NOW." I say to Tania practically shouting. Danny tries to get in a few words, but I cut him off before he gets the chance to say much of anything. I turn and walk over to him. "Danny! Now is not the time to talk about Jenny. We need to find Jace. He could be in danger." I say strictly and grab a hold of his arms. "Where is he, Danny? Where's Jace?" "At the tracks." "Are you sure?" I ask him in a scolding manner. He nods at me, I let his arms go, and Tania goes back inside to get her keys.
"You should probably know..." Danny begins to say, but I cut him off. "No. You don't get to say anything else." I say. "What kind of friend lets his friend be cheated on, and then doesn't even have the audacity to tell him? Huh?" Danny interrupts once more by saying, "But." "No. Just shush!" By now, Danny stops trying to but in, and just listens to my words. I start to walk away from him and leave him with my final thoughts. "Great friend you are."
I see Tania leaving our residence hall, and I head over to her car. Tania opens the driver door, gets in, and I follow suit. She keeps the music off the entire way there, and I'm telepathically thanking her for not turning it on. Every minute that passes by feels like a year. Every second that goes by feels like a wasted moment. A moment that could have been spent protecting Jace from Jenny. From Preston. And most importantly, protecting him from Mr. Blue.
We arrive at The Tracks and Lil Yatchy is being blasted through the speakers. The instant Tania parks her car, I open the door and run to find Jace. I can hear Tania calling my name, but I ignore her and try to find Jace amongst the crowd. I scan my surroundings and see no sight of him. "Shit," I mutter under my breath in an agitated manner. To my right, I hear the screeching of tires, before a car comes into view in the distance. It's a Black Dodge Charger. Behind it, a red pimped out car with a spoiler on the top of its boot follows the Charger.
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The crowd starts cheering and gathering around the Charger as soon as it crosses the spray painted yellow line on the street. I look over to finish line, and see the red car cross it. A few seconds later, a far smaller crowd walks over to the red car, and start yelling at the driver before he even exits his car. I shake my head and look back at Black Dodge. Jace steps out with a big smile covering his features. I make my way over, and unlike last time, he doesn't yell or seem upset. He looks happy. Genuinely happy. Weird.
I quickly remember my purpose and run over to him. "Jace! I have to tell you something." I say once I reach him. He holds my arms while allowing me to take a deep breath. When I feel I have enough oxygen in my lungs, I continue. "Jenny s cheating on you." I look him in the eye, and keep going after he maintains eye contact with me. "Jace?" I say, while he says nothing. "Jace? I can leave if you want." I wait a second before I start to walk away. A hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me back. My body is pressed against his chest, as he gives me a suffocating hug.
"I know she is. Danny told me right after he saw her making out with some guy in a car," he says and crouches to lift my head with his hands. I look him directly in the eyes and find myself being lost in them again. "Thank you for telling me...Savannah." My mouth opens a little and I try to conjure up the words that are tumbling through my mind. "I hope it's alright I called you Savannah instead of Melody. I can stop if you want, but is it alright if I do?" he asks me. Unable to conjure up any words, I nod my head.
He exhales in obvious relief. "Good, because then I wouldn't know how you would take this." I furrow my eyebrows, and Jace leans in. I close my eyes, and he presses a kiss to my temple. He lingers there for a second before pulling back. "I should admit that Jenny was never really the girl I was after. The girl I'm still after." Finally able to form words, I ask, "If not her, then who?" Jace's cautious tone dissipates as a lighter, happier one takes it place. He smiles down at me before saying, "You."
He lightly presses his lips to mine and keeps them there for a second. I blush, and Jace's hands release my face. "Here. Evidence that Jenny and I are through," he says as he hands me his phone. I see Jenny's contact and read the most recent message below.
"Never took you as the unfaithful type. But it doesn't matter now anyway, since, well, we're done. Bye, forever Jenny." - Jace