After my escape, and yet another but brutal last year at the same high school, my school sent me their condolences and made sure to inform my future college of my past. I didn't bother to say goodbye to my "friends" or Preston, my ex.
The poli...
The next morning I wake up early. I wake up so early, that my alarm hasn't even rung yet. I turn on my mobile, and see the time is 7:09 p.m. I slide open my mobile and turn off the alarms. I look over at Tania's bed and notice she isn't here. I get up from my bed and gather my toiletries. I unplug my mobile from the charger and take it with me to the bathroom.
Once I'm in the bathroom, I set my caddie on top of the john, and turn on iHeart Radio. I click on Kygo's station, and Firestone comes on. (Turn song on here) #FavoriteSongMoment I undress and get into the shower. I wash away any traces of evidence that could be seen from last night. The warm water washes away my worries, but then at the slightest touch of my lips, I'm reminded of what happened last night. A familiar heat starts to spread throughout me. It feels both enticing, yet utterly mortifying. I can't believe I let him kiss me.
I start to listen to Kygo's words and begin to sing along to avoid thinking about Jace, and the kiss we shared. "I'm the dark in need of light. When we touch, you inspire, feel the change in me tonight." The more I sing, the more I think of him. The way his lips felt against mine was almost magical, yet at the same time, it felt like I'd just been branded. "We can dance in desire or we can burn in love tonight."
Deciding the universe might be trying to send me a message, I hastily shower, as I continue singing along with Kygo. When the song ends, I wrap my towel around me, do my other necessities. I walk out of the bathroom when I finish. I look through my closet, and model on some outfits in the mirror. I finally decide to wear a greyish purple cropped sweater with black jeans. I put on some cute brown boots. I style my hair in a rebellious braid and grab my belongings before leaving.
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My mobile buzzes after closing my flat's door. I pull it out of my pocket and see I got a message from Tania and Stephen. I decide to open Tania's first, just in case, it's bad. Get the bad news out of the way first, right?
Staying over at Jace's. Lucas and I are taking care of him. He'll live thanks to you.- Tania
I decide to just leave it on reading and move onto Stephen's message. At first glance I see a cute little gif of a coffee cup saying Good Morning! I look down and see his typed message.
Hope you're ready to have some fun at lunch.- Stephen
I giggle at his message and text him back.
Hope you can handle it.- Melody
In a matter of seconds, he replies. All he sends is a winky face, and I put my mobile back in my pocket. I walk out of my residence hall and head to the Student Union. My walk there is peaceful, and the campus has a few bystanders.
I reach the Student Union, but what I don't expect to see is Jenny's arms wrapped around Jace's good arm. Has he even told her yet? I ask myself, as I look elsewhere. I start to walk to the line and hear Jenny call out my name. "Melody! Melody! Over here!" she screams, and I pretend to care to look. Internally, however, all I could think was shit. I turn around and wave with as much eager as I can muster. It wasn't much. I point at the line, before holding my hand out in the air as a stop sign. She gets the memo as she nods her head, and turns back to Jace with a big smile on her face. Emphasis on big.
After grabbing my breakfast, I walk on over to their table. I feel more dread coming over me as the seconds pass. I look up from my tray and meet Jenny's smile. Afraid looking at Jace would be a dead giveaway, I keep my eyes on Jenny. "OMG Melody! Guess what?!" she says with way too much enthusiasm. "You won the lottery?" I say with too much sarcasm. Thankfully, she didn't get it. She snorts before answering me. "No. I wish," she says laughing. When she calms down, she tells me, "Jace and I are a couple now." My face falls.
She places her hand atop mine, and it takes every bit of me not to pull back, and walk away. "If it wasn't for you, I would have never gone on the best date of my life yesterday. He bought me roses, and we went to this beautiful gazebo. It had fairy lights and flowers and everything." she tells me as all the color in my face drains.
"Pardon me," I say as I get up from the table, and take my breakfast with me, without waiting to hear a response. I walk out of the Student Center, and speed walk over to the football field. It's only a couple paces away. When I'm finally alone, I crouch down against a post and set my food aside. "Does he even plan on telling her? Is he even going to tell her? I just can't tell anymore." I say holding back my anger for pairing them up. "I know I'm not in love with him, but he definitely makes me feel something stronger than I've ever felt before. I think it's time for him to decide. Who's it going to be? Jenny or Me?"