Dear Internet Diary,
Someone's pounding the door and it wakes me up. I slowly open up my eyelids and take in the midday's light. The blinds to my window may be tinted, but the sun rays are blinding. "MELODY! ARE YOU IN THERE? " Tania yells. I grumble and move out of the way.
She pushes the door open and nearly topples down to the ground. When she sees my state, she closes the door before she talking to me. "God Melody. What happened? You look like sh*t." Tania questions me. I look up at her through weary eyes, and she bends down next to me. She wraps her arms around me and I let her. I feel far too weak to even move.
My eyes have defined bags under them, my lips are dry, and my head is pounding. I feel her arms around me, yet I don't feel her. I feel nothing. I'm numb. After a while of being wrapped in Tania's arms, she pulls away and gets up. "I don't know what's going on here Melody, but I'm calling the police. You're scaring me. You haven't said anything for over an hour." she says as she goes through her bag.
At the words 'calling the police', I move my head up. Still dragging myself out of this state, I tell her a weak 'don't'. She snaps her head my way and questions me. "What do you mean no? Melody looks at yourself. You're a mess. You need help. Obviously, something's wrong." I get up from behind the door and walk on over to her. I snatch her phone from her hand and put it in my pocket. "I said no." my voice replies solemnly. She gives me a bizarre look and continues to hammer me with questions.
'No'. That's all I can think of. The word 'no'. "No, he can't be here. No, I'm just seeing things. No, I'm just going crazy. No, it can't be real." and the words repeat inside my head. Over and over again, all these thoughts swirl around. I'm only slightly in touch with reality.
The next thing I know, there's a knock at my door. I move to open it since I'm closer to it than Tania. I get a grip of the knob but hesitate slightly at the thought of it being the police or him. All these possible scenarios start going through my mind, as I pull open the door. I only open it enough to see who's there. I lift my head up from the ground and find Jace standing there. Behind him are Lucas and Jenny.
My eyes widen at the sight of them. Tania comes up from behind me and opens the door entirely. She welcomes them in and Jenny takes a seat in Tania's chair. Lucas and Tania sit together on her bed, while Jace just leans against Tania's desk. I look at them before walking over to my bed and sitting down with my back against the wall.
They all just stare at me as if they're waiting for me to explain my story. "Well?" Lucas is the first to reply. I look at him, down at my hands which are knotted on my lap, and then back at him. I take a deep breath and begin to tell them bits and pieces of my story. I always knew I'd have to open up eventually, so why not now?
I take them through the moment Preston and I started to date (this is when things started to change), to the moment where I'd just left my house and gotten abducted.
By the end of that bit, we're all hungry and order some Chinese takeout. They encourage me to continue, and I do. I tell them about one of the more slighter days I lived through in that basement. I called those days "Lucky Days" since these were the rare days I wasn't injured in a physical form.
I didn't realise I'd been crying until Jenny handed me a box of tissues. I thank her and take a few. I clean my a face before continuing. Thankfully, the food came and we were interrupted. I thank the Gods for that break. I'm not sure how I would've reacted if I had to keep going. Tears feel so mundane now. Nothing is the same anymore. Nothing has been the same for a while.
I take our dinner break as a moment to reminisce in the group of friends I have made. Granted, I mainly talk to two of them, it still doesn't waiver my opinion of the others. I will try with all of me to keep these four away from harm. I won't let them drown in my sorrows and in my pain.
As we eat, Lucas starts making ample conversation with the others. This time, instead of all of us crying, they're laughing. And so am I. I love it. Actually, I enjoy it. This day brought us together. But more importantly, Mr. Blue is the one who brought us together. That's the only thing I'll ever be grateful for. So, if you're reading this Mr. Blue, I say thank you for letting me meet genuine people.
Melody N. Ravenna

Indecisive (COMPLETED)
Mystery / ThrillerAfter my escape, and yet another but brutal last year at the same high school, my school sent me their condolences and made sure to inform my future college of my past. I didn't bother to say goodbye to my "friends" or Preston, my ex. The poli...