Chapter 2 - Hello Belton!

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Dear Internet Dairy,

I'm here! I'm finally here! I finally arrived on campus. After a brutal 4 and a half hour drive, I am free to stretch my legs and breath in the smell of my college campus. Getting out of the car, I check the time and see its around 7:40 am. As my Dad brings over a flat trolley with a handlebar, we start gathering the heavier items onto the trolley and carry the lighter items in our arms.

As we walk the short distance from the parking lot to my dorm room, I realize that this will be the first time I'll be meeting my flatmate in person. I remember her roommate profile saying her name is Tania Orne, age 18, a bit messy, and needed some alone time at times. She sounds like the perfect flatmate for me.

By the time my mind comes back to Earth, my Dad and I have reached my dorm room. As I turn the knob, I take in a deep breath. Pushing it open, I noticed she hasn't arrived. This is... AWESOME! I get to pick whichever bed I want and rearrange them however I'd like.

So, I set my stuff down in the nearest corner and turn to help my Dad out with the rest of my belongings in his arms. I pull the trolley inside my dorm and close the door.

After a couple of hours of decorating my room, and me convincing my Dad to finally leave, my flatmate walks in. From first glance, I could see she was around 5'7. She wore ripped jeans, flannel, a white shirt, and boots that looked comfortable enough to walk a mile in. Her dark brown, almost black hair was up in a messy bun and her black glasses fitted her outfit nicely.

 Her dark brown, almost black hair was up in a messy bun and her black glasses fitted her outfit nicely

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Following behind her, her mother and father walk in

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Following behind her, her mother and father walk in. I see that her mother is having some trouble carrying all the belongings, so I hastily get up from my bed and help her out. Once I set to grab a box filled with Tania's belongings, Tania's mother thanks me. I set the box on Tania's dresser, and turn around to appropriately meet Tania, and Mr. & Mrs. Orne.

The day turns to night in a matter of hours, as the four of us work together to unpack all of Tania's belongings. Some of the things she brought aren't entirely necessary but can be used for our leisurely pleasures. By the time 9:30 p.m. strikes, Tania and I are waving her parents goodbye as they walk out the door. Tired from all our extraneous labour, I crash against my bed with a heavy sigh. Without bothering to look up, I ask Tania, "Do you want to take a shower first or shall I?"

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